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The room became dead silent. I could feel their shock coming off of them in waves. It was not every day you saw a wolf's eyes turn pitch black.

Normally, a werewolf's eyes glowed the natural color of their wolf's eyes when they got angry. If the colour of your wolf's eyes were gold, then your eyes glow golden whenever your emotions are heightened.

Only an Alpha's eyes turned pitch black. That too, was an Alpha who was very powerful and dominant. I could imagine their bewilderment at the fact that my eyes were pitch black.

"Well? Fucking say something! Is she one of your fuck toys?!" I snapped glaring at him hard even though Emma explained earlier on. He looked speechless.

"As a matter of fact, she is." Emma pitched in and even though I knew she was doing it deliberately, my glare intensified but the subject of my anger, just continued eating. The nerve of this guy!

"Oh shut up bitch. I'm not his fuck toy, I'm his mate." The idiot female smirked, looking over at Emma and then me.

I saw her eyes widen as she took me in before jealousy flashed through her eyes.

"The question here should be, who are you?" The idiot sneered at me.

"Don't you ever call her a bitch again or else, I'll help you get rid of your filthy tongue," I said lowly. I made sure to maintain eye contact with her throughout and I was satisfied to see the flash of unease on her caked face.

"And funny that you said he's your mate." I smiled falsely, "care to say that again?" I dared with a blank look.

"I...you...how dare you talk to me like that? You're in my pack and you should show me some respect!" The idiot said making me roll my eyes.

"I believe the Alpha is Armin who is Mateless. That is, until now." I said. I saw the look of triumph that passed across her face making me smirk.

"Me." I finished, watching as her face dropped with shock and disbelief. There was that look again.

"What? What rubbish are you saying? Armin—"

"Get out." my lovely mate suddenly said, stopping whatever it was she was about to say.   

"Hear that? Get out!" The idiot said with a smirk. I made no move to stand up. Only looked at her with a bored gaze.

"Didn't you hear my mate? Get out!" She said again.

"My patience is running thin Mairan. Get the fuck out of my house. This is your last warning, don't ever come in here again." Armin said coldly, not even looking at her.

"And get your stupid paws off of me." He said and she instantly dropped her hands. The look on her face was priceless.

"Run along Bitch-ran." I smirked

"Yeah Bitch-ran." Emma grinned.

She looked at Armin again, as if expecting him to change his mind. Feeling fed up with her annoying presence and suffocating perfume, I stood up, catching everyone's attention.

Armin looked slightly confused at my action but I ignored his gaze. Walking over, I fisted Bitch-ran's hair making her screech and claw at my hand.

I dragged her out of the dining room and headed straight for the front door. When I reached the door, I pulled it open and threw her out. Watching as she landed on all fours.

"Stay the fuck away from my house. Or else..." I said, my voice mixing in with Camille's. Her eyes widened as she stared at me but I had enough of her artificial face so I slammed the door on it.

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