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Camille ^^^^😍


I was so exhausted. I have been running for three days now. Or at least I think it has been three days. It was hard to tell when all I saw were trees and rocks and more trees.

It's been two and a half days. It is currently two o'clock or and a half.

Wow Camille, how can you tell? Is it your intuition?

Of course, it is! What else can it be?


Yes! That, and you don't know the meaning of sarcasm.


The sun has set twice since we left the palace. And it's currently a little further away from the middle of the sky signifying that it is past midday already.  Camille said in a flat tone, It's just my observation. How come you haven't noticed it at all??

Oh please, I was too busy keeping my senses out for rogues.

Uhuh, sure you were. She snorted, I wonder how many rogues there could be in a forest behind the eastern empire which stretches into uninhabited and barren lands. She added sarcastically.

You know, I'll give that a reply but I'm too busy watching out for rogues. I said haughtily. I could feel her eye-rolling in my mind.

Sure, make up pitiful excuses to cover up your crappy observation skills. She smirked.

I refuse to reply to that. I simply said.

I continued running through the never-ending trees in my wolf form. As a wolf, I was born with a natural love for the colour green. But I swear I was gonna lose my mind if I didn't stop seeing green!

I was only thankful that I was out of the Eastern Empire territory. I could tell because the mindlink connection I had with my pack, The Royal Pack, got fainter until it felt like it was no longer there.

I knew the connection was there, I was just too far away to feel it but it was still unnerving. I was so used to feeling the presence of hundreds of thousands of my pack members that I felt a little empty without the usual looming presence in my mind.

The only thing reassuring me was the little weight I felt at the back of my mind thanks to the 3St. I could feel my siblings' presence. It was faint, but it was there nonetheless.

As I ran ahead, I saw a faint clearing, and before it was an endless stretch of clear field. Or at least it appeared so from where I was running. I felt so relieved that I would be out of the forest soon. I loved green, but two days of seeing nothing but trees... will surely drive anyone nuts.

You know, a normal person will hate seeing trees, not the colour green.

You know I could never hate trees. I love the green and scent of it. And the scent of the forest floor after it rains. That is my favorite scent in the whole wide world. I sighed in appreciation just imagining the scent.

I thought you'd 'lose your mind' if you saw the color green again. She rolled her eyes. And how would you know how wide the world is? I told you the name of the scent is Petrichor.

And you said us people and eye-rolling. You do it most of the time too! Plus I just meant that I'll figuratively lose my mind. I said The last part was also figurative. And Petrichor. or whatever is such a mouthful.

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