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My eyes fluttered open and met with the white ceiling. It reminded me of that all-white dream I had. I turned to my side to see the space next to me was empty and it felt cold when I touched it meaning he got up more than an hour ago.

I sat up in a daze, my eyes still staring down at the place he lay when the door opening caught my attention. His vanilla and wet forest floor scent instantly became strong as he approached me.

"You're awake." He smiled as he sat beside me. I noticed he was smiling more often in front of me now.

"Yeah." I replied as I stretched, feeling his lingering gaze on me, "What is it?" I asked when I felt the oddity in his stare.

He continued to stare and I stared right back. I didn't try to avoid eye contact lest he got the wrong idea. Besides, his eyes were enough to keep me captivated.

"Do you really mean it?" He asked after a while with his hand cupping my face.


"Never mind." He said and made a move to stand but I held onto his arm.

"I meant it," I said with a grin.

"What?" He asked calmly. I didn't answer him though, I only kissed his jaw before standing up and stretching fully.

"I'm taking a shower," I said before heading towards the bathroom. "Your eyes. It's mesmerizing when it turns red. I love it." I said over my shoulder with a smile before shutting the door.

I set the water to be lukewarm before standing under the spray after putting my hair up. I lathered with soap before scrubbing my body lightly and stayed under the water to rinse off.

You had a panic attack.


Why the sudden thoughts and caution though? You were smiling happily just moments before then.

I dunno. It just came over me. You think it's weird?

I find it strange. Didn't you feel anything before the thoughts invaded?

Not really. I was looking at Em and Robin being ridiculous and then I was suddenly thinking about them.

Oh. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it then.

But do you think they're alright?

I know they are okay. They don't have to be alright, they just have to be okay.

Yeah. As long as they're okay. The 3st feels almost nonexistent.

But it's there. Although it's slightly weaker. It just goes to show that they aren't in any serious trouble.

Right. Camille? What do you think about Blaze? And Alec recently.

It's weird, really weird. I'm not attracted to them or their wolves or anything; Armin still makes me feel the most. But I'm weirdly attuned to them and don't mind if they come close or act intimate. It's unsettling. I feel as if I'm being unfair to Armin and at the same time like it's all how it is supposed to be.

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