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Third person's POV.

"What?! What the hell do you mean?!" Cullen stood up in shock.

"I deserve to die Your Majesty! It was completely my negligence!" Izikel fell to his knees in mortification, he was just relaying the news of the Princes and Princesses' absence to Cullen.

"What the hell happened?! Just the night before, you told me everything was going according to plan! So how the hell did they go missing all of a sudden?!" He growled, his dominance rolled off of him in waves due to his raging emotions.

"When I checked up on them last, they were still there Your Majesty. I didn't sense anyone's presence around the vicinity too. but when I checked this morning, the cabin was empty." Izikel said with his head lowered to the ground as sweat slid down the sides of his face.

"Ridiculous! Then did they disappear into thin air?! You didn't sense anything then what about the gnawers?!"

"They were as before Your Majesty. Even till know, they're still asleep around the cabin."

"Useless! All of you are completely useless! Not you or the soul gnawers could sense that they were missing?! Do you know how much of a joke it will be if it were to get out that the Prince and Princesses went missing right under my watch?! What about Ricco?"

Izikel shuddered before opening his mouth, "he...is also missing Sire."

"What did you say?" He calmly said with a furious twitch of his cheeks.

"Majesty! We've got a problem! The magic circle I set was nullified and both the Prince and Luna are missing!" Riyana entered the private living room in a panic, "what's going on?"

"I should be asking you that! What the hell is happening?! The magic circle was nullified, Ricco is gone, my nieces and nephew are also missing. How the hell did all that happen under one night?!" Cullen snapped in exasperation.

"That is what I'm trying to figure out. Everything was alright yesterday night so what the hell happened in one night? What's weirder is that I didn't sense anything wrong with the magic circle at all. Normally, as soon as someone manages to make contact with it, I will be alerted. What's more surprising is that someone actually knew it was there and even dispelled it." She sat on one of the couches with a slump.

"Did you order a search?" Cullen took a seat on the couch opposite hers.

"Yes Sire. The vicinity has been searched thoroughly and border patrol were alerted but...they couldn't find a trail." Izikel said lowly.

"It really can't be that they vanished into thin air right?" Cullen said in annoyance.

"That's impossible. What's even more impossible is that somebody, or something, managed to break my magic circle. What about Luna Micah?" Riyana frowned.

"...apparently she's back in their suite." Izikel said.

"What? And Alpha Armin?" He said.

"One of the guards told me he brought her back himself yesterday night. At around quarter to eleven, they picked up the sounds of movement in their en-suite." Izikel said.

"Armin went to the magic circle then?" Cullen asked.

"That's the only way he could've brought her out." Riyana replied.

"Then did he dispel it?"

"Impossible! There's no way. He doesn't know magic." She shook her head.

"His mother and grandmother are witches." He pointed out.

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