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The following day, the Alphas went for the meeting with the King as per order. Of course the Lunas were all lounging in the great room beside the meeting hall. Usually, it was the Queen that entertained them. I cloud hear their whispers of confusion about why they didn't see her since yesterday when they arrived.

If only they knew.

The rest of the members that came with the Alphas though were out in the field sparring with the palace warriors. Emma and Duke were back in our en-suite. She managed to fuse an anti-cloaking spell into the cursed fog with the help of Sividus. My guess was that by the time Armin was done with the meeting, they would have a solid grasp of the security surrounding the chambers Nick and the rest were held in.

As for me, I was currently in the great room and on a video call with Mikhail. The rest of the Lunas were either on their phones, watching TV or playing board games. We all chatted for an hour before we went about our own things. Most of them were females who just handled pack-holds affairs while leaving the training and pack business to the males. That was one thing I couldn't relate to no matter how hard I tried.

"How was your night baby? Did you sleep well?" I smiled at Mikhail through the iPad screen.

"No." He pouted.

"Why is that? Weren't you tired?" I asked.


"Yes you were tired or you were not?" I raised a brow.

"Yes." He said again.

"Mikhail." I chuckled. It had been this way since we started the call, I would be asking him questions and he would give one word replies. It was his way of showing his anger apparently. But it was cute.

"Mom." He stared at me.

"Talk to me." I smiled.

"Where's Dad?" He said.

"He's having a meeting with the king." I said.

"The king? That's your dad! My Grandpa! When can I meet him?" His eyes widened.

"That's not your grandpa pup. It's just a Lunatic." I smiled sadly. I felt my nose stinging when I realized my parents would never get to meet this adorable pup. My Dad would've adored him.

Sometimes, I wondered wether everything that happened was good or bad. If it didn't happen, my parents would still be alive and we would still be a blissful family. But then, I wouldn't have met Armin. My mate.

So was it good or bad? It would've been great if my parents and Armin were all with me. But that was just wishful thinking.

"Lunatic? Isn't that a...crazy person? How is he the king?" He gasped and his cute round cheeks puffed up making him look super adorable. It instantly washed away my sadness and I laughed.

"Don't worry baby. Your uncle Nick will be the real king soon." I smiled.

"Oh right! How are uncles and aunts? Can I talk to them?" He grinned.

"Not yet baby. You'll meet them all soon. Do you remember their names?"

"Uhuh! Uncle Nick, Uncle Ricco, Aunt Eva and Aunt Avalon. I like aunt Avalon's name. I hope my mate is called Avalon." He giggled and I laughed along. The sound of our laughter attracted the attention of the Lunas and they all looked over at me before giving knowing smiles. Most of them were already mothers.

I winked at them before looking back at the screen, "Really? I think you and Avalon will get along well. She'll be your favorite." I smiled.

"I think so too." He nodded.

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