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"Morning." I greeted as I pushed the door of the ward open. Fiona who was sitting by Alec's side looked up and smiled when she met my eyes.

"Morning. You're here early." She said.

"Yeah. I was worried about them." I walked over to Blaze's bed, "how are they?" I asked as I rubbed his silky black hair lightly.

"As usual." She said, "Rowan said as long as they stayed this way, there was nothing to worry about."

"I see." I walked towards Alec and caressed his hair too, "you two sure are enjoying yourselves. Who enters a coma without any medical basis?" I mumbled.

"It is weird." She laughed lowly.

"Well you guys can enjoy your sleep all you want but don't take too long to wake up. We all are worried about you." I looked from Alec's still figure to Blaze's.

"Oriana and the rest from the pack house were just here a while ago to check on Blaze. I'm surprised a lot of people came." She said.

"Why? Doesn't he have a good relationship with them?" I asked curiously.

"Humm...you can say that. His relationship with the members in the pack house is a bit awkward and strained." She sighed and I frowned.

"What happened?"

"Blaze had a little sister, her name was Bianca; she was a sweetheart. She died three years ago. His mother passed away right after giving birth to her when he was seven. His dad died the year after during the Sividus incident, he was only eight. His little sister was his only family member and he adored her. Unlike most wolfs her age, Bianca was a smart pup and loved leaving pack grounds. She wanted to school outside."

"Was that allowed?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Although we had everything in here, Armin never prohibited the pack members from venturing outside as long as they were careful and looked out for one another so there were quite a number of wolfs that studied outside the pack. And Bianca was among them.

"It happened when she was eight years old, it turned out her class teacher was—well, he was a pedophile and developed an interest in her. At that time, Blaze was busy with school and training so he didn't pay enough attention and didn't notice anything.

"One day, we got a call from the school, Bianca and the teacher were both found dead. It turned out the man took her to the rooftop and wanted to...violate her but because she put up a fight, they both accidentally fell off the building. They died on impact." Fiona said with her eyes trained on Blaze's still figure.

"Oh no. That's terrible." I covered my mouth in shock. I couldn't begin to fathom what that little girl went through. Just what that bastard did to me back in the underground dungeon was enough to make me snap in fear. Bianca was just a little girl.

"Some wolfs her age were actually aware of it and told their elder brothers and sisters who were Blaze's age. Instead of them to inquire further, they didn't take it seriously and when the pups saw the way they reacted, they also thought it was nothing major. They were after all just kids. It was when they heard the news that they realized how serious it actually was but by then, it was too late. Bianca was gone.

"Blaze was furious when he found. At that time, Bianca had apparently came crying to him about how she hated her teacher but he only cajoled her thinking she was just throwing tantrums about school. Who knew he would hear about her death the following day? I can still remember his dazed and confused expression when he heard the news, as if he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that she was gone when she was just here some hours ago.

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