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I was in shock as I stared at Ricco with my mouth hanging.

"You might catch flies." He said flatly but I ignored him.

"Evangeline is your freaking mate?!?" I screamed wide-eyed.

"Will you keep it down?! And is this so hard to believe?" He hissed, glaring at me. I continued staring at him blankly while he just kept rolling his eyes at my expression.

"If you don't stop staring at me like you just saw a fucking squirrel having a cigarette, I'll drop you." He said flatly.

"Oh, my goddess!! This is gold Ricco! When did you find out?!" I said excitedly, literally bouncing in his arms.

"Will you stay still?!" He glared, "I knew since when I turned eighteen." He said lowly. Ladies and gentlemen, there goes my jaw again.

"Seriously?!" I sputtered in shock. With all these shocking revelations, I might reach my grave early.

I might reach my grave early if you don't stop being dramatic. Seriously Mira...

Is this not surprising to you?

What if it is? Is sputtering like an idiot going to make it less surprising?

Okay, tiger, sheehs..sass not appreciated. I could feel her rolling her eyes at me. This wolf of mine...

"Yes, Mira."

"Wow. Why didn't you say anything when you found out?"

"I did. I told Uncle and Aunt. And Nick too." He said.

"No, I meant Eva. Why isn't she aware?"

"I was eighteen." He said looking at me flatly.


"How old would Little Lin be then?" He asked, looking at me like I was the most stupid person he had ever met.

"What? She should be...Ohhh, I see your point now." I said sheepishly. Ricco was currently twenty-seven. The same age as Nick. Eva was eight when he found out they were mates. It must have been pretty hard for him to watch his mate but couldn't have her.

"Oh Ricco, it must have been hard on you," I said lightly. He only shrugged with a smile.

"I get to see and talk to her almost every day. That's a good thing."

"Yeah, but you've been waiting for her for nine years..." I trailed off with a frown.

"It will be worth it. I'm sure of it." He grinned making his dimple pop out. His blue eyes were shining with a tenderness I'd never seen in them before.

"You love her don't you?"

"More than you can imagine." He replied without missing a beat.

"That's awesome Ricco. I'm so happy for you guys. You have my blessings." I grinned making him laugh.

"Not that it matters but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless." he chuckled making me laugh. Just then, a thought struck me.

"Why is your dad so hell-bent on us getting together?" I frowned. If he knew that Ricco found his mate, why was he forcing us together?

"Probably 'cause he doesn't know I've found my mate."

"What? Really? Why?"

"Yes really. I've noticed how desperate he wants us to get together, It's unsettling. Goddess knows what he will do when he knows I've found my mate. Look at what he ordered that fucker to do to you." He growled.

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