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My heat lasted for three days and one night and Armin and I rolled around in the sheets throughout that period. With the way I clung to him, I was the avid definition of a female wolf in heat.

We haven't seen the others since the day at the training grounds. They didn't disturb us either. The only time they came near our door was to deliver food.

Waking up and not getting the familiar feeling of deep heat that I always woke up with on the fourth day, I wasn't quite used to it. I yawned and stretched but my hands made contact with a solid chest followed by tingles.

Looking up, I saw him gazing down at me with his head propped against his fist. His eyes contained a warm glow and I suddenly felt bashful for whatever reason. My cheeks heated up as I quickly covered my face and only stared at him through the gaps.

"Why are you feeling shy? After everything we did." He lowered his face towards mine, "Although shy Mira is cute, I miss my daredevil version of her."

"Stay away," I mumbled.

"Who was the one who kept clinging to me and rubbing against me? You almost squeezed me, dry baby." He whispered in my ear before kissing it. That particular action made a vivid image of one of our...activities appear in my mind causing my embarrassment to deepen.

I glared at him but he only smirked down at me. "Seriously Mira. I think I used up all my pent-up libido since when I was eighteen in these three nights." He smirked.

"Armin," I whined.

"That's how you kept on whining and mewling my name." He snickered, "Thankfully I'm a bit stronger so I didn't die from overuse."

"Armin! You beast! Sure I was in heat but didn't you get more out of it than I did? I even had to beg you to stop some—"

"Tsk tsk tsk. I had to go beyond and more for you Malady. That was me doting on you." He righteously said.

"That kind of doting might snap my back one day," I mumbled as I rolled into his arm. My fingers inched towards my mark on his neck and I softly brushed against it earning a breathless moan in reply.

He buried his face in the hollow of my throat and took a deep breath. I could hear his heart pounding and his breath getting heavier making me roll my eyes.

"No," I warned.

"Come on. You might have gotten out of your heat but I'm just entering mine." He made a move to kiss me but I pulled away.

"Males don't go into heat."

"I might. You're that charming."

"You can take her as much as you like." Camille purred out.

Go away!

Hehe prude.

"You heard My lady." He smirked down at me.

"We've been in bed for four days now."

"I wouldn't mind staying for another four."

"Well, I will. I don't want them to think I'm...that kind of maniac." I rolled my eyes.

"What kind? The kind that is always craving for my touch and—"

"Armin!!" I screamed in embarrassment.

"Heh. Okay, I'll let you be. For now." He lowered his head and kissed my forehead, "but I quite enjoyed your heat. I hope it comes again soon."

"It doesn't have to be because of the heat," I mumbled as I sat up. When he didn't reply, I looked back to see him staring at me with darkened eyes filled with desire.

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