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The boys are doing tryouts while I sat with Hermione on the benches watching or for me reading.

'What you reading' she asked 'Magical History... I got told You-Know-Who has an actual name by my parents but I'm trying to work it out' I said looking at her 'what do you mean' she asked 'think about it maybe he made the name to make people fear him like he isn't a normal wizard' I said and looked back at the page and Hermione looked to. 

Harry flew up for some reason though 'your trying out' he said floating in the air 'first I don't have a broom second I can't fly' I said and crossed my arms 'I'm with Mackenzie on this one she doesn't have to... you do this every year' Hermione said and a small little smile grew on my face.

The whole day was filled with us feeling nervous for Ron since he really wanted to make the team like his brothers did 'he's getting better' I said and looked back down at my book 'let's head back in bet there's a Draco nearby' she said and I laughed.

We were both walking the corridors 'he follows you like a lost puppy' she said and it made me laugh 'he isn't lost Hermione it's what couples do' I said shrugging it off 'and you blew off Mrs. Weasley she invited you to dinner' Hermione said and I put my head down 'I didn't want anyone following me to her so I keep to myself... the Weasley family or you and Harry don't deserve pain any of you do... and the fact that you still want to be friends with me shows that you don't deserve it' I said looking at her.

'Filthy mudbloods do though' Draco said and I shook my head 'just let it go, let's go to the common room' I said and we walked up the stairs to the room.


I was sitting on a bean bag talking to Hermione as she and Ron and Harry sat on the sofa 'have to admit it, thought I was going to miss that last one. Hope Cormac's not taking it too hard' Ron said and I rolled my eyes since he has been going on about it all day ever since he got back from the pitch.

'Has a bit of a thing for you, Hermione. Cormac' Ron said and I giggled a bit 'he's vile' she said and it just made me giggle a bit more 'what's so funny' she questioned 'oh that fact that only two people have ever fancied you and this is the second... but to be honest, you did at Krum expectations are high for Hermione now' I said and the boys laughed 'says the one who's dating Malfoy' she said with a grin 'oi for your opinion we are going through the same shit' I said and closed my book then looked into the fire.

'Ever heard of this spell?' Harry asked me and Hermione so I looked at it 'nah' I said then looked back at the fire 'no I have not. And if you had a shred of self-respect you would turn that book in' Hermione said and I looked at her 'Harry keep the book' I said and she rolled her eyes.

'Not bloody likely. He's top of the class. Even better than you, Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius' Ron said and I clicked my fingers in his direction 'what' he said and I laughed 'I'd like to know just whose book that was. Let's take a look, shall we' Hermione said crossing her arms and stood up the same time Harry did.

'No' Harry said which made her want to find out more 'why not' she asked 'this is going to go on for a while' Ron said and I nodded 'it's... old. The binding is fragile' Harry said and both I and Ron let out a little laugh.

'The binding is fragile' Hermione copied him 'who's the half-blood prince' Ginny asked and we all looked clueless 'who' we all said 'that's what it says. Right here. This book is property of the half-blood prince' Ginny said and we all looked at each other.

Ginny decides to sit next to me since I took Hermione seat sitting to close to the fire made me to hot 'what's got you and Ron close' she asked 'Ginny nothing... you know where I stand in my relationship status, taken by Draco end of story' I said and got up to go to my room.

Malfoy (Draco Malfoy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now