Lonely Christmas

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It was Christmas and I packed all my things to move into the new place I will be staying which is the Gryffindor house great I'm going to be hated by a few but most of them like me anyway because I'm nicer than other and they like my fierce side

'Thanks for helping Harry' I said after putting the trunk down 'no problem, I'm not going home this Christmas, guessing you will be writing to people though' he said curious 'yes I will, to many people' I said looking out the window 'Draco speaks highly of you, making it seem like he friends you' Harry said looking at me 'yea he gives me that vibe as well, he has family problems like me though so we can relate on a high level, don't tell him I told you that' I said after realizing what I said 'I won't' Harry said and we just walked around for the rest of the day not knowing what to do.

'You have 4 mail' Harry said while giving me them 'and we have presented as well let's leave them here till Christmas day' he said placing them under the tree 'who they from' he said after eating a biscuit 'my mum and dad, Draco, grandparents, and someone called Reamus Lupin' I said looking at him 'probably I family friend, go read them and write back I will be down here' he said and I went to my room and started reading them.

~Draco's Letter~

'Mackenzie, my father is growing more curious as the days go by on who I am writing to all the time and I don't know what to say to him, and if he finds out you name and house I don't know what I will do or what he will do, but promise me this look after yourself this Christmas I have heard conversations that something is going down soon and I don't like the sound of it. From Draco Malfoy... P.S write back' 

~Parent's Letter~

'Mackenzie, we are so glad that you are in the house you deserve you were never supposed to be in that house anyway, and stay away from the Draco kid his father is nothing but evil and we will talk about that later, and congrats on making it into the team as well I heard great things from you captin Oliver he sounds so nice, I hope that they are making you feel welcomed at Hogwarts and in your new house, but even if you are friends with Draco we are finally happy that you on in the house you are in now as if we thought that we had a bad apple in the family tree' 


'Don't listen to your parents Mack, they are just as worse as Slytherins themselves, I don't care what house your in but they do of course since they agreed for you to change, and I don't care what house your friends are in, just don't listen to them, you are your own person there you are free no need to be bossed by them, now run and have fine and Merry Christmas sweetheart'

~ Reamus Lupin~

'You may be wondering who I am and how I know you but there is no time for that right now, but there is no time for that, we have heard that you have changed houses, this is a rare thing to happen and I haven't seen this before, be careful Mackenzie, keep this letter close, keep your friends close but you enemies closer'

~End of Letters~

Okay, parents are still dickheads, grandparents are still killing the game by giving me a reason why not to give up and well this Reamus person sounds super cool, sounds like a spy I like this.

~2 Weeks later~

'Come on we have to meet them' Harry said dragging me out of the warm building and into the cold air of Hogwarts 'first why did we leave the warmth second, why do we have to meet your friends here when we can meet them inside' I said while he still dragged me.

'Mackenzie, how was your Christmas' they all asked and I just said something fake 'great' I said and walked back in because Christmas was shit really.

~Common room~

'Thank you' I said as I got given my parcel 'so what is that' Ron asked 'a muggle radio, best songs ever made from them are always played on here' I said a put it down and plugged it into the 'what like, our dad would be so interested' a gingered haired girl said 'sorry who are you' I asked while standing up 'Ginny, my brother has been talking about you all over Christmas' she said laughing 'I don't think that's a great idea' I said and took the radio to the room.

Malfoy (Draco Malfoy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now