Why So Tense

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I finally had a day where I hanged around with Draco and we actually acted normal but he had his bench men with him though.

'Let's go to the tree' he said and I followed him walked by his side and having a laugh 'you do realize I missed you while you were gone' he said trying to make me blush 'did you now... I heard you tried to find me' I said looking at him 'and who told you that' he said looking at me while the other didn't know 'a little birdy' I said nudging him to the side.

'Question so there is this ball coming up and I would like you to come with me' Draco said and I looked at him for a bit 'I would love to go with you... I'll meet you outside the grand hall when it starts' I said with a smile.

We got to the tree and just talked around it.

'Your a right foul git, you know that' we heard someone yell and we looked to the other side of the courtyard to see Harry speaking to Ron with anger.

'You think so, do you?' Ron said still sitting down looking at other people while I sat beside Draco 'I know so' Harry said oh this is good 'Anything else' Ron asked 'Yea, stay away from me' Harry said then rushed off.

'Why so tense Potter' Draco said and I jumped off the tree with him 'my father and I have a bet, Potter. You see, he thinks you won't last 10 minutes the tourmenant but I disagree... I say you won't last 5 minutes' Draco said with a laugh at the end.

'You know what I say, Malfoy! I say you can both... eat dung' Harry said then looked at me 'what do you say to that' Harry said walking to close up to us 'right' Harry said then started walking off.

Draco pulled his wand out and aims for Harry's head and I looked at him with a smile but also a bit concerned.

'Oh no you don't laddie' we heard Mad-Eye shout and he just turned Draco into a white ferret 'I'll teach you to curse someone when their backs turned... Stinking... Cowardly... Scummy' Mad-Eye said and I tried to stop him 'Professor Moody! What are you doing?' McGonagall got involved 'teaching' he said while moving his wand around 'teaching... is that a student' McGonagall looked concerned 'technically it's a ferret' he said with a smile.

Draco popped back into his normal form after McGonagall stopped the spell.

'We never use Transfiguration as a punishment, Alastor! Surely Dumbledore told you' McGonagall said but quieter at the end ''might have mentioned it' Moody said.

'My father will hear about this' Draco said and he rushed off and I rushed of with him.

'He is bloody mental' I said looking back 'you think why didn't you stop him' Draco asked 'he's stronger than me... he was blocking my spell off' I said looking at my wand 'if I tried any longer I could fo broke my wand' I said looking at it. 

Malfoy (Draco Malfoy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now