For fuck sake.

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Minding my own business and Draco comes along and drags me out of sight 'first hello, second what the fuck' I said not knowing what to do 'I found out my father was the first follower of You-Know-Who and any Slytherin even you might be chosen when he rises again' Draco said panting out of breath 'no I can't be chosen I will be kicked out the house, my parents won't want me anymore' I said not being able to breath 'Mackenzie there is no backing away once he chooses if you do he won't be happy' he said that and I ran away not knowing where to go.

I ended up in the common room alone, my hands in my hair making a mess and breathing is getting harder 'Mack what's wrong' I turned around and saw Hermione, Ron and Harry 'I can't tell' I said and sat down 'we won't tell a soul' Harry said 'Draco's father, he thinks You-Know-Who will rise again and he will choose more followers and Draco is worried that he and I will be chosen and if that happens I won't have any family' I told them not wanting to look up 'it won't happen he's dead' Harry said 'says your scar, I know the story Harry my parents sent me a letter about it, just to say whoever this person is, first I don't want to know the second he sounds fucked up in the head' I said sounding serious.

~Next Morning~

We were all sitting downstairs and Harry came down 'Mackenzie meets Oliver, Oliver meets Mackenzie' I sighed and stood up 'great player, we have a seeker but you would make a great chaser with your speed' he said definitely not a northerner but not a southerner what is he.

'Well nice to meet you but can we have this conversation late since I need to find, sorry to cut this short goodbye' I said and walked out the room trying to find the spells class because that's one I need to pass.

'Is this spells class' I asked 'yes dead just take a seat and we wait for the others' the professor said and I sat down in the back, the thought of being chosen was in the back of my head.

'Now don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing. Swish and flick. Swish and flick' the professor said and I looked over at Malfoy trying well he was failing 'Wingardium Leviosa' I said and both I and Hermione made our feather flew up high 'Oh well done Miss Granger and Miss Hemming' the professor said while clapping I looked at Seamus and his feather went into flames which were funny 'I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor' Harry said and we we're ready to get to leave the room.

I walked with Hermione out and we both talked about the lesson 'it's Levi-ohhhhh-sa. Not Levi-o-saaaah. They're both a nightmare, honestly. No wonder why they have no friends' both me and Hermione overheard Ron and ran straight away into the bathroom where no one goes moaning myrtle.

~Ron's POV~

'I think I hurt both of them' Ron said 'oi Potter and Weasley where's Mackenzie' I looked up and Malfoy looked angry 'we don't know she will be here again' I said and he walked back to his table 'Parvati Patil said they both won't come out of the girl's bathroom. Said they've been in there all afternoon. Crying' Neville said making me feel even worse because of what I said.

'Troll in the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know...' Qurill said before fainting like a little kid, I started to panic because I didn't know what to do I am so scared of trolls bloody scare the life out of me 'everyone will please not panic. Prefects, lead your Houses back to the dormitories. Teachers, follow me to the dungeon' Dumbledore said and we started to follow Percy.

'How could a troll get in?' Harry questioned both of us 'not on its own. Trolls are really stupid. Probably peeves' playing a joke' I said then looked at Harry since he had a weird look on his face 'What?' I questioned him 'Hermione... Mackenzie. They don't know' he said and we started running to the girl's bathroom.

'That's the third floor he's going to. Teachers were supposed to go to the dungeon... What's that' he asked and the smell was horrible 'smells like Fred's socks. Only... worse' I said and we followed the smell.

'Follow me' Harry said and we kept running, we heard a high pitch scream coming from somewhere 'this wouldn't be the girl's bathroom would it' Harry asked while looking at me.


Both I and Hermione looked up to see and troll and screamed and it was a high pitch one we decided to hide in the bathroom stalls 'don't worry, we're here... they're dead' Ron said scared after seeing that the toilet stalls are now all broken down while we were moving 'we heard that' Hermione said and we moved along.

'What do we do' Ron asked 'confuse it' I yelled 'confuse it... hey, pea brain' Ron said and started throwing things at it while they were doing that we crawled to underneath the bathroom sinks to hide and put our heads on our hands, the troll hit the sink and Ron grabbed his wand from his robe 'this isn't going to be good' I said looking at Hermione 'Wingardium Leviosa' it didn't work the first time some and Hermione showed him how to do it 'Wingardium Leviosa' and it worked the trolls bat thing came out of his hands and Ron decide to knock it out by putting it on the trolls head making it fall on to the floor allowing both me and Hermione to stand up in safety.

'Is it... dead' Hermione asked 'I don't think so just knocked out' I said looking at it 'no need to kill it, after all' Ron said and I shook my head 'yes, well, that was big of you' I said looking at Ron.

'Explain yourselves' we heard McGonagall from behind us 'it's my fault, Professor McGonagall' I said leaving the other out of the clear 'Miss Hemming' she said in shock 'I went looking for the troll. I've read of them and thought I could handle it. If Harry, Hermione, and Ron hadn't come along I would have died' I said looking at them knowing I am so dead to my parents now.

'I'm very disappointed in you, Miss Hemming. Fiver points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. As for you three, I hope you realize just how lucky you are. Not many First Years could take on a full-grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. I award each of you five points... for sheer dumb luck' McGonagall said then turned away.

'Good of her to get us out of trouble like that' Harry said giving me a hug 'mind you, we did save you two from a full-grown mountain giant' Ron said with a huge smile 'mind you, they might have not needed saving if we hadn't locked the thing in with them' Ron said and I kept quiet.

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