Foul Git

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~Tonks POV~

'Your house is back to normal' Lupin said and I rolled my eyes and saw someone on the ground 'Molly what happened' I said and saw she was holding Mack in her arms 'Bellatrix used the unforgivable curse on her' she said with tears in her eyes.

'Malfoy is a right foul git' I heard Ginny say and I looked at her with a smirk 'why' I asked 'Mack lied to Draco about being here and Bellatrix arrived that can't be a coincidence' I looked at the rest of the family 'I think someone won't be happy when she waked up' I heard Molly say and I went over to Mack and leaned over to see how she is doing I got my wand out and tapped it on her head.

The gasp was heard.

~Mackenzies POV~

What the fuck happened to me, why do people want me dead, am I fucking having my first panic attack yes do I know why no.

'You need to get me out of the curse now Molly' I said and looked at her 'not now, play the part along in Hogwarts' Harry said and I looked at him.

I got up and looked at everything else  'this is all her fault this would have never happened if you didn't invite her' Percy said, and I stared at him 'say that to me again I dare you' I said looking straight up at him 'you should have never come into our lives' he said and everyone was shocked that he said that 'Mack come back to ours' George said and put a hand on my shoulder 'get off me' I said staring at the ground.

'He's right you know I shouldn't be in your lives I shouldn't even be alive maybe I should just Avadra myself to death' I said waving my wand around 'but you Percy just crossed the line, you and your ministry position it has changed you for the worst' I said and he raised his wand 'stop it' he said raising it to my level 'grab her' Fred shouted and I was grabbed by the twins.

'Where am I wheres my bag' I asked and looked at the both of them 'we have your bag, we got told to take you away from Percy because it looked like you were going to kill him' Fred said 'I was going to kill myself in front of him so he would feel the guilt for the rest of his life that is a better punishment than death' I said to them.

'You would take your own life' Fred asked I rolled my eyes as frustration took over 'there is nothing to live for anymore, my life is problematic, I have no goals ahead of me, Draco fucking snitched on me, I mean nothing to anyone' I said and both of the twins looked shocked 'Mack we care to trust me' George said placing his hands on my arms.

'He said that to me and Bellatrix did that' I said looking into his eyes trying not to cry 'don't make me' he said and I was holding back the tears and he kissed me for some reason, I pulled back and looked at him 'why' I asked and he looked at his brother 'I love you Mack and I don't want to see you hurt, at the start of Hogwarts you already had the boys all over you I will always stand by your side' he said and I let out a tear.

'It's alright to cry Mack' he said and more tears came out and he pulled me into a close hug 'it's alright to show emotions' he said and I hugged him back 'I need to go back to Hogwarts' I whispered in his ears 'I understand to be safe though, but for now, stay here for the night, since you leave tomorrow, for me' he said looking into my eyes and I nodded.

He led me to his bedroom and he shared a bed since the twins only have two rooms. The whole night I was crying I still have to complete my mission everyone will hate me I need to tell them tomorrow.

~Morning for leaving to Hogwarts~

I woke up and got changed luckily it was a Saturday going back which is always great.

I walked down the stairs and I already had tears forming so I wiped them away, I saw the twins sitting down on the sofa just eating breakfast and I had to somehow break the silence.

'We need to talk but you can't tell a soul' I said and they looked at me I sat down on the chair across them 'so what do you need to talk about' Fred asked and I looked at both of them.

'Before I got kicked out the well I don't know, You-Know-Who gave me a task well me and Malfoy a task it's killing us both inside, he wants Dumbledore dead... he wants either me or Draco to kill him... I know you're going to hate me but you can't tell a soul... if this mission completed both me and Draco will get killed' I said staring at both of them 'you won't will you' George asked looking at me 'I won't but I have to be there' I said and they looked at me 'that's going to kill you though' Fred said looking at me with faith that I won't do it.

'I know but it might also bring the old me back' I said and they just both looked at me 'say something please' I said fiddling with my thumbs 'we won't tell anyone but if you're emotionally done you can stay with us' George said with a smile and I smiled back 'I'll drop you back off at the train station' George said and we both got up and I grabbed my bag and walked out.

~Train Station~

'Thanks for dropping me off' I said looking at George 'if you see him give him a piece of your mind' he said and gave me a kiss on the lips before going.


I walked into the common room and went straight to my room and put down my bag. I heard other girls come in the room and put my headphone connected to my MP3 player on just to zone out.

~Ginny POV~

'Hermione I don't like this' I said and nudged her 'I think Draco is going to be in for the worst' Hermione said and I looked at her 'what' she asked 'George told Mack how he felt and well they kissed but George kissed her first but then again at the train station rebound or something' I asked her.

'But have they broken up yet that's the real question' we looked at Mack and went straight to her 'your going to see Malfoy' I said taking off her headphones 'I will today but pass me these' she said and got up walking out the room with the headphones on 'let's follow' Hermione said and we both did.

'Where you two going' Ron asked 'if you want to see a fight between Malfoy and Mack come on' I said and they followed me.

~Macks POV~

I saw Malfoy in the courtyard and I went up to him taking off my headphones and pausing the music.

'Your a right foul git you do know that right' I said and he looked at me shocked 'what' he questioned 'you sent Bellatrix after me instead she set the Weasleys house on fire' I said to him with anger boiling throughout my body 'I swear that wasn't me' he said and I looked at him 'then who was it because your the only Malfoy that goes to this school unless you have someone on the inside of your friendship group' I said looking around.

'You're being ridiculous' he said 'so I didn't crucio myself because I ain't that stupid Malfoy' I shouted this time gathering the attention of everyone 'right now isn't the best time' he whispered 'when is because I think you can never find the right time, just worried that you aren't impressing your father and his ways' I said then turned around people were shocked at what I had to say.

I went to the room of requirements and got everything set up for the night, I got changed into some dark clothing and looked the part.

'What are you doing' I got asked by Draco who stood beside me 'going through with the plan' I said and got everything ready and sent something through as a signal.

'You are not killing him' Draco said holding my hand 'then who will because I know you won't' I said looking into those eyes, grey eyes 'if you do it, it will break you, I heard that Bellatrix kicked you out, I'm not letting this rip us apart' he said while holding bot of my hands now.

We waited out till night and sat still 'they will never let me date you' I said looking into the mess of a distance 'I will always love you but after this, you will need to be with someone else for a while live with the Weasley's' Draco said 'no Draco I want to be with you' I said and I heard the door open.

'It's time' we heard and we both stood up seeing Bellatrix and the rest standing there 'oh don't stop yapping about your love soon as we arrive even though it was disgusting' Bellatrix said pointing a wand at me 'don't you dare hurt her' Malfoy said standing in front of me 'of you two make a great pair don't you, curse girl' she said with a laugh and I watched her walk off out of the room and to where it's supposed to happen but me and Draco went up first...

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