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I woke up feeling like shit, I woke up George because of a fucking real nightmare and all I want to do is scream into a pillow and kill myself that's how embarrassed I am I don't even want to be awake I don't deserve to be awake to be honest.

I got up and got changed to head to the living room to see Molly sitting there 'hey, George I didn't know your mum was coming round' I shouted but no anwser.

'He brought me round to look after you, do you want to talk' she asked and I thought about it for a second 'yea but don't judge' I said and she looked at me weirdly and I sat down.

'I did bad shit.

When I mean bad I mean bad

A hero has died and I just stood and watched I could have done something.

My curse self well she's gone somewhere else I guess.

People won't talk to me unless they know what has happened to me.

I lost trust in Harry.

Everything is falling apart and this year will show you why my life is falling apart right in front of his eyes.'

I said and Molly just stared at me 'who is "his"' she quoted me 'well Draco and George' I admitted myself 'why' she asked 'me and Draco as well I guess on a break since he doesn't want to see me right now and I feel so embarrassed that I'm having nightmares and George has to see' I said and she looked at me with her eyebrows high.

'What do you mean see' she asked 'we have to well share a bed, he's been calming towards them though' I said and she has a massive smile on her face 'it's because he loves you Mack and he doesn't want to hide it' she said smiling 'why would he love me, I basically betrayed you all, and I was cursed' I said, and she came closer 'no matter what happened it wasn't your fault' she said then looked behind me.

'Someone is here to talk to you' she said with a smile I got up and turned around.

It was Draco 'you share a bed with him' he said with a frown 'well if I recall your the one who told me to have a happy life and basically forget about you' I said and he looked down 'it's because were toxic Mack can't you see that, if you even come near my house or meet up with me, they will come for you' he said then lifted his wand.

'What are you fucking doing Draco' I asked and put my hand behind me to get ready 'the dark lord wants you dead, he sees you as a threat, he gave me the task' he said and I looked at him 'not if I don't paralyze your first' I said and shot my first spell 'Reducto' I said and it pushed him back into the wall.

'Now get out, and send the dark lord my best regards that I'm ready to fight whenever' I said and he got up in a hurry and left.

A few hours past and I just sat in silence listening to music, the twins came home and Molly told them what happened, welcome to my new shitty life where I need to protect myself and I'm mentally unstable.

'Mack, he basically broke up with you' Fred said and I got up because I was fed up with the talk.

'How about I just jump off the fucking bridge because I'm fed up with the drama I can't cope, I'm wanted dead because I seem like a threat I'm fucking done, I will write a note saying why I did it will make the whole world fucking happy' I said out loud pacing back a forth in the bedroom maybe I said it a bit too loud.

'Say another thing like that and I will kiss you' George said from behind me 'you should hear my thoughts than' I said with a smirk you could hear it in my voice. 

'That's it' he run up behind me and picked me up so I faced him 'I love you' he said then kissed me, I finally decided to kiss back 'Colloportus' I spelled the door shut.

'Just in case' I said and he looked in my eyes 'love you too' I said and kissed him again, it got heated though, but this can't just be a one-night stand, can it.

He led me to the bed and I knew what was going to happen, but I also knew this could never happen with me and Draco this feels right.

One thing led to another and we weren't in our clothes, he slipped one on and we were doing it.

Yet again it felt right but also wrong, I have never seen George in this light but something happened to both of us to put us in this mood and I don't know what.

We were both finished and laid side by side 'wow' I said and looked at him 'you are amazing' he said which made me giggle.

By now my head was resting on his bare chest and we were covered in sheets 'you guys alright' we heard Fred shout out 'did you soundproof this' George asked 'I forgot the spell' I said and tried to find my PJs.

I got changed and unlocked the door leaving enough space for me to slip out and talk to Fred.

'Are you guys alright' Fred asked and I moved my hair out of my face 'yea were fine' I said calmly trying not to make anything noticeable 'I thought I heard noises' he said come on make some accuse 'oh that's just my horrible singing, I'm practicing' I said and nodded 'okay but maybe not a night next time, goodnight' he said then wandered off to his room?

I walked back into the bedroom and slid down the door moving hair out of my face again 'did he really believe you' George asked.

'He did, lucky I wasn't on anything' I said then go back under the covers 'goodnight then' I said and turned around.

Great I'm back in my thoughts, I just hope he never finds out.

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