17 Years Later

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I and Draco have been married for 15 years now, this is because his parents were only coming to terms with it after we announced that we would soon be having our first kid Scorpius, who is now going to Hogwarts it will be his first day.

We are on our way to the train station proud that we are now raising a new generation of Malfoy a kinder version that is not blinded by the darkness.

We are currently at the platform 'mum what if I'm put in Gryffindor, instead of Slytherin' I looked at Draco then at him.

'It doesn't matter what house you get put in, I am a Gryffindor and your father is a Slytherin and we still love each other, doesn't matter what house you are in, you will always be loved' I said giving him a kiss on the forehead.

'See you at Christmas son' Draco said and I flashed him a smile 'he acts just like you, you know that' I said with a smile.

'Is that Hermione and Ron' I questioned before blinking 'I would have thought it would be Hermione and Harry let's say hi' I said and we walked to them.

'Mack' Hermione said and the rest turned around 'how are you all' I asked looking at the 'great, working with the profit now' Hermione said then looked at me 'oh, I work at the Ministry, auror, scares Draco and Scorpius sometimes but I always come back' I said with a smile.

'I just don't want the same thing to happen as last time' he said looking at me 'It's not going to happen again, he is gone, never coming back, he's the one who basically killed himself after partly killing me' I said with a laugh 'George and Fred are still single but happy that way, they're running the joke shop still' Ron said and I laughed 'well I best visit them some time' I said 'we could go and get Scorpius present' Draco said and I nodded.

'Well we should all meet up sometime, I will send a letter later when we're back home' I said giving them a smile.

~Diagon Ally~

'You look different from when they last saw you' Draco said holding my hand 'tanned, brown hair, stylish' I said with a laugh 'you know what I mean' he said before we went into the joke shop.

We opened the door and walked in 'maybe we get him a kit so he can practice potions, you know he gets stuck on them' Draco said 'yes perfect' I said giving him a kiss.

~Fred's POV~

Doorbell going on it's way past time for kids to come in 'hey George we should check downstairs' I said and we both walked in to see a couple, a woman dressed well, tanned with brown hair.

A man dressed in a suit, blonde hair, and a bit pale but not too much.

'Mack and Draco' we both said and looked at each other with a smile we ran down the stairs to greet them.

'What can we do for you' they turned around and looked at us, Mack has definitely changed 'a potion set for our sons birthday do you have anything like that' she said looking at us with a smile, I can tell George was jealous since he wouldn't say anything to them 'wait you have a son now' I asked 'yes he has just got on the train to Hogwarts his first day of course' Draco said looking down at Mack.

'Well we have the perfect set then' George said and they both followed him.

~Macks POV~

George picked one out and I could tell it was killing him to see me and Draco happy together we didn't tell anyone about our son's birth but he does need to have God Parents just in case of anything 'this is perfect thank you' I said with a smile and he took Draco to the till so he could pay for it.

'He's been hurting ever since the wedding but I don't think he will ever meet someone' Fred said which made my heart sink 'he needs to unless do you think he would like to be a God Father we haven't chosen our sons God Parents were still deciding maybe he would like that' I said looking at the two boys.

'I will ask him tonight what do you do now' Fred asked 'I work in the Ministry, auror, sometimes on the same team as Percy' I said putting my hands together and I watched Draco nodding for me to come to him.

I nodded at Fred and he knew what to ask George 'hope to see you again, we probably will' I said and I and Draco walked out knowing that the rest of our lives will be better than before and knowing that our son's life is safer than our's when we were his age.

He won't have to live through the pain of hiding and running and losing love ones he is surrounded by people who love him and knowing him he will probably be friends with our friend's kids which would be good for them.

Malfoy (Draco Malfoy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now