Chapter Three: The Triwizard Tournament

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   *Y/N's POV*

     We arrived at Hogwarts fairly quickly and all decided we wouldn't change into our uniforms until later, before dinner probably. We all took a carriage together to the castle, this time I sat opposite Fred, in between Neville and Ginny. But that didn't make it any easier to avoid making blushing eye contact with him. At one point, I thought he wasn't paying attention and looked up from my feet, just to be met with his eyes again. 

   "Like what you see Lestrange?" he smirked, looking me up and down again, licking his bottom lip. 

   "I could ask you the same thing, Weasley," I eyed him up and down, mirroring his action, as I raised my eyebrows playfully. We both chuckled before we finally arrived at the castle, walking to the courtyard in front of the school. 

   "Woah!" Ginny exclaimed, pointing to the sky. We all gazed up, there was a flying horse-drawn carriage weaving through the air. Seemed the entire school ran over to the pillars to get a better look as the carriage flew over the lake. I was sandwiched between the twins while Ginny was in front of us. 

   "Well there's something you don't see every day," Fred joked as we watched Hagrid directing the carriage, nearly getting his head taken off in the process. 

   "Is that a bloody pirate ship?" I asked, pointing at the great ship as it broke the surface of the lake. 

   "No way!" the twins high-fived. 

   "Who do you thinks here?" Ginny asked, looking up at us. 

   "Who knows? Bet we'll find out soon enough though, come on, we should go get changed for dinner," I suggested. The crowd must've thought the same thing as everyone began to disperse. 

   I was still sandwiched between the twins, "Well this is nice," George smirked down at me. 

   "Off," I chuckled as I wriggled myself from between the boys, "Both of you go get ready for dinner, I'll save you a seat," I smiled as I skipped away towards the dorms. 


   I watched her aimlessly as she skipped away from us, her cute curls bouncing as she disappeared around the corner. 

   "You're doing it again," George snapped me out of my gaze as we walked to the bathroom, him needing to pee before dinner. 

   "What's that?"  

   "Staring at her."

   "I-I was not," I lied. 

   "I'm sure you weren't. Why don't you just tell her you like her already?" 

   "Let me see," I raised an eyebrow, counting out onto my fingers, "One, she's your best friend. Two, I'm pretty sure she fancies you or Neville, and three, I'd never stand a chance."

   "You are such an idiot, you know that, right?" 

   "And why's that?" 

   "She obviously likes you. Trust me, I've tried to make my move many a time on Y/N and she's never been interested. And Neville is like a little brother to her, she doesn't like him that way." I rolled my eyes at his statement. There's no way Y/N would like me.

*Y/N's POV*

    "Well, seems it is a special occasion after all," I said to Ginny as we walked into the Great Hall, almost everyone was seated already, whispering amongst themselves, trying to figure out what was happening this year. 

   "I mean, aren't you curious as to who was in that carriage or on that boat?" she asked as we took our seats with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. 

   "Obviously, but it's also nerve-wracking, innit? I mean last time we had 'guests' at Hogwarts it was because we thought a mass murderer was roaming through the castle," Harry sent me a daring glare, "We all know Sirius was innocent, Harry. I just don't want another Dementor-like visitor." I explained. 

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