Chapter Twelve: Confrontation

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     I had absolutely no luck in my attempt to convince Angelina that I no longer had feelings for Y/N. But how could I convince her when I couldn't even convince myself? Of course, I still had feelings for her but what good was that now? I stormed back to the Common Room, running my hands through my hair frustratedly. As I turned the corner, I nearly avoided bumping into Cedric, a cheeky grin on his face.

     "Oh, Fred, hello," he snapped out of his gaze and greeted me awkwardly.

     "Diggory," I huffed, crossing my arms, staring him down a bit, "Have a fun night?"

     "Uh, I'd say so," Cedric rubbed the back of his neck, his face reddening.

     I took a step closer to him, slightly towering over him, "Listen to me, you hurt Y/N and this little tournament will be the least of your worries. Understood?"

     He pushed me off a bit, "You won't have to worry about that. I have no intention of hurting Y/N. Don't know if I could say the same for you."

     "What the fuck did you just say to me?" I hissed through gritted teeth, my fists curling.

     "You heard me, Weasley. You knew how much she liked you and you chose to ignore her. You chose to give up and look where that got you. You can't blame this on anyone but yourself."

     "You better watch yourself, Diggory. Wouldn't want to break that pretty face of yours."

     "And have Y/N even angrier with you? Good idea, go for it."

     I scoffed, pushing past him, bumping his shoulder with mine, "Piss off, Diggory," I grunted as I walked back to the Common Room.

*Y/N's POV*

     "Hermione!" I tried shaking her awake, "Hermione, wake up!"

     "Y-Y/N?" she blinked her eyes open, "What's going on?"

     "Hurry up, meet me in the Common Room. I'm going to go wake, Ginny."

      I ran to the Third Year Dormitories and shook Ginny awake as well.

     "Y/N? What the bloody hell's going on?" she rubbed her eyes, "W-What time is it?"

     "Get up, Gin, come with me now," I pulled her out of bed and dragged her to the Common Room where a half-asleep Hermione stood with a blanket wrapped around her shoulder as she warmed up a fresh fire.

     "Y/N, what's going on? It's midnight, we have class tomorrow," Hermione rubbed her tired eyes and yawned.

     "Trust me, this couldn't wait till morning," they sat on the couch, sandwiching me as they raised their eyebrows, "Cedric kissed me, like actually kissed me!" I whispered loudly.

     "W-What? Cedric kissed you? When?" Ginny asked, her sleepy exterior now completely gone.

     "Just now, outside the Common Room after the ball," I explained.

     "B-But what about Fred?" Hermione asked, a worried look on her face.

     "What about Fred?" I scoffed, "He had his chance and he seemed pretty eager to chase after Angelina earlier. If he wanted to be with me like you all claim, he should've actually tried."

     "Y/N, you know Fred is a stubborn ass, he can't help it," Ginny responded, "But he really does care about you, even you've got to realize that."

     "He sure has an odd way of showing it," I sighed.

     "But you saw him when you were with Cedric, he looked miserable. We all know he would've rather taken you than Angelina," Hermione explained.

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