Chapter Sixty-One: Tea at the Manor

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*Y/N's POV*

   It felt strange getting ready for something that was bound to be about an hour of awkwardness and smug sneers. And it sucked to feel that way, considering this was the place I had spent a majority of childhood besides Hogwarts. But then again, Hogwarts always seemed like a getaway compared to living at Malfoy Manor. And if I was feeling this dread, I couldn't even begin to imagine how Fred might feel. 

   "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked Fred as I helped him fix the collar of his coat. 

   "Yeah," he answered surprisingly calmly, "Why? You having second thoughts?" 

   "Me? No," I shook my head, looking myself over in the mirror one last time. 

   "You don't have to lie to me, Lestrange. You've been on edge since you told me about this yesterday morning."

   I let out a deep sigh, "I just don't want to disappoint you with the way they talk or their pompous behavior. I-"

   "Lestrange," he put his hands on my hips, turning me to look at him, "You could never disappoint me, darling," he tucked one of my curls behind my ear, "I'm there for us, nothing else." 

   I laughed in relief, "Have I told you how much I love you?" 

   "I already know," he smirked, kissing the top of my head, "And I love you too. Now, get your shoes on before we're late." 

   We apparated to the front gate, the gloomy-looking Manor still stood as prominent as it had always done. No matter how many times I had been there, it never felt very welcoming whenever I returned. 

   "Ready?" Fred squeezed my hand. 

   "Suppose there's no backing out now?" I asked as we walked up to the black iron gate. 

   "Not in my nature," Fred smirked as we made it through the entrance and began walking through the gardens to the front door, "Bloody hell, all this for three people?" 

   "Well, they used to have some of their colleagues stay here. Then I was living here, and my mother, and father. Most of the rooms aren't even used as bedrooms, there are studies and things like that," I explained. 

   "Must've been nice to have your own room," Fred tried to joke. 

   "Rather lonely, actually," I muttered. I was hesitant to knock on the door but Fred did it so easily, a smile of intrigue on his face, making me roll my eyes playfully. 

   To my surprise, Draco was the one to receive us, "Y/N," he smiled, nodding, "Weasley," he didn't try hard enough to hide his sneer. 

   "Malfoy," Fred quirked a brow. 

   "Hello, Cousin," I interjected, "May we come in?" 

   Draco dropped his glare from Fred, "Of course," he widened the door, letting us walk in. The natural lighting from the windows was the only thing that gave the large home any sort of warmth. "Mother and Father are in the drawing-room. Follow me, the tea's fresh." I hadn't let Fred's hand go as we walked up the grand stairs. 

   "What the bloody hell is a drawing-room?" he whispered into my ear. I tried to stifle my laughter, Draco not paying any mind as we made it up the stairs. 

   "Y/N," my aunt smiled sweetly as she rose from her chair, embracing me, "And you must be Mr. Weasley?" 

   "Fred is just fine, Mrs. Malfoy. Nice to finally meet you, ma'am, properly," Fred extended his hand out. 

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