Chapter Forty-Three: Vulnerability

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*Y/N's POV*

     Having to rebuild the Burrow already seemed like it would be a physical feat but it took an even bigger emotional toll. Fred, George, and I decided to host everyone for the remainder of the holiday, besides Bill and Fleur who returned to their own house, and Tonks and Remus who went back home as well. The three of us tried to help with the rebuild as much as we could but we still had a business to run. Every day was utterly exhausting. But in the end, the Burrow was restored. Though, that guilty feeling still hadn't left me and I was scared it never would.

     "Lestrange, you alright?" Fred snapped my gaze from my view of Diagon Alley, or what was left of it anyway. Death Eaters had been ransacking shops and terrorizing people daily. We were one of the only stores with enough gull to remain open.

     I cleared my throat, "Yes, just fine," I gave him a small smile.

     "Are you sure? You've been awfully quiet today. Are you feeling okay?"

     "I'm fine, Fred. Just tired is all. Tonight will be the first time that we don't have to go back to your parents' and help build. I'm just glad we'll all be able to get a good night's rest," I explained quickly before glancing over at the clock, "Well, that's the end of our lunch break. Let's go so, we can give Verity and George some time to eat as well." I took our plates from the table before rushing past him towards the stairs.

     Before I could actually get down them, Fred grabbed my arm, turning me towards him, "Y/N, you can tell me if something's bothering you, love. I know this couldn't have been easy for you either."

     I let out a deep sigh, placing my hand on Fred's face, "I have no reason to be upset, you do. You and your family just had to spend these last few months rebuilding your home just because my mother and-"

     "Darling," Fred stopped me, "None of that is your fault. We all just have to be even more careful. You and Harry especially, we can all see now that the Death Eaters are getting more and more reckless."

     "I just hope Hermione gave him the lecture of his life for running into that fire. Same with your sister. I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to hug or strangle them," I huffed, "I'm just happy nobody was physically hurt, you know?"

     "I know," he sighed, kissing my forehead, "Let's get back to work now, get your mind off everything." I gave him a small smile before following him down the stairs to the shop, relieving George and Verity for their own lunch breaks.

     Fred was right, the hustle and bustle of the shop was a great distraction. Seemed as though the rest of the day went by a little too fast and now that harsh reality sunk back in.

    "Have a good night, Verity. Please stay safe," I waved to the girl as she exited the store.

     Fred sighed as he finished locking up, "Ideas for dinner?" 

     "Mum actually invited us for dinner tonight," George answered, "Got her owl during my lunch. She said it was an emergency, something about a letter from Hogwarts."

     "An emergency? She say what about?" I asked.

     "Not a thing," George shrugged, "Just that we needed to get back home as soon as we closed up for the day." 

     We all rushed to the fireplace, using the Floo to take us back to the Burrow.

     "Oh, thank goodness, you're here," Mrs. Weasley practically yanked us from the fireplace, tightening us all in her embrace.

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