Chapter Forty-Six: Battle of the Seven Potters

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*Y/N's POV*

     Even with the death of Dumbledore, who most considered one of the most powerful wizards ever, we all knew the Death Eaters still weren't going to let up. In fact, to them, this was probably the perfect time to get to Harry. Which meant the Order had to devise another plan in order to get Harry safely to the Burrow now that his protection with the Dursleys was over with his upcoming 17th birthday.

     I wanted to do what I could to help but Fred and Mrs. Weasley thought it'd be best for me to wait at the Burrow with her and Ginny.

     "What are you talking about?"  I argued with Fred, "I should be going with you."

     "Lestrange, this is dangerous. What if you get hurt?" Fred argued.

     "And what if you get hurt? What good does it do for us to be separated?"

     "It ensures that you'll be safe."

     "Fred, I promised you that I wouldn't leave you."

     "And you're keeping that promise. I won't be gone for long and we'll all be accompanied by someone else. Dad has my back."

      I bit my lip, "You have to promise me that you'll come back to me, alright? Safely."

      Fred gave me a soft grin, "I promise," he pulled me to his chest, "I love you, Y/N."

     "Don't call me that. You only call me that when something is going to go wrong."

    "Not true, I say it when I'm being deathly serious and I am."

     I let out a hard sigh, "I love you, Fred."

     "I'll be back soon," Fred kissed my cheek before he and the other members of the Order were gone.


     "What's the real reason you didn't want her to come?" George asked, catching me off guard as we approached the Muggle home.

     "What?" I furrowed my brows.

     "Y/N, why didn't you want her to come?" he repeated.

     "You know how many times I've nearly lost her? I'm not risking that again."

     "I'm just surprised you convinced her is all," George chuckled.

     I laughed back, "Yeah, so am I."

*Y/N's POV*

     "I hate this feeling," I sighed, twirling my locket between my fingers as my knee bounced, "I hate not knowing."

     "Try not to think about it," Ginny offered, "That's what I'm doing," she had probably paced around the whole downstairs area twenty times or more, biting her nails.

     "There's not a whole lot else to think about, is there?" I sighed, shifting my position over and over until the sofa no longer seemed comfortable, "I just don't understand why he wouldn't just let me go with him. I mean, I'm of age just like everyone else, and I understand exactly what's at risk here."

     "My dear, you have to understand that it's never personal with the Order and we all know our common goal," Mrs. Weasley explained, "But Fred, well ,let's just say I have raised each and every one of my children to protect their family no matter what."

     "But he let George, Ron, Bill, Fleur, and Mr. Weasley all get involved without putting up such a fuss. Bet he'd let Ginny go too if she wasn't underage," I huffed.

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