Chapter Sixty-Three: A Night Out

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   "Listen, I understand you don't want a traditional wedding but we have to do this!" George begged. 

   "You honestly think Mum would even consider letting us do that?" I asked. 

   "She said she wants to keep some traditions. We're just giving her what she wants, aren't we?" he continued. 

   "Fine," I gave in, not that I protested all that strongly against it, "Who are we inviting then?"

   "I say me, you, Lee, Ron, Harry," George began to think back, "Do we invite the big brothers?" 

   I shrugged, "Wouldn't hurt. Hell, maybe we can get Percy out of his flat for once."

   "Alright, that's eight. What about Oliver and Neville?" George offered. 

   "What's a party without Longbottom," I chuckled. 

   "I'm sure Harry and Ron will want Dean and Seamus to tag along as well. The more the merrier then." 

   "Bloody hell," I snickered, "What possible plans could you have for a dozen blokes to do in one night?" 

   George smirked, "Just you wait, Brother.' 

   "Just please tell me that none of them will end with Y/N slapping me across the face and, or her calling off the wedding." 

   "Don't worry, it's going to be fun." 

   "Knowing that we have nearly the same definition of fun, worries me." 

   George smirked, "Well, first we've got to get past the guard dogs." That's what George and I had been calling Hermione, Ginny, Angelina, and Mum recently. They always kept me in 'check' when it came to Y/N. I always argued that I was a grown-ass man but none of them cared to hear it. 

   Before our conversation could continue, Ginny and Hermione appeared at the door, "We need to talk to you." 

   "Oh bloody hell, don't tell me they can hear through walls now," George whispered to me. 

   Although the girls didn't seem to notice as they whispered between themselves, "What is it?" I asked. 

   "We're taking Y/N out tonight. A sort of bachelorette party before tomorrow," Hermione answered. 

   "You're doing what?" I furrowed my brows. 

   "Don't get your knickers in a twist," Ginny quipped, "It's only going to be us girls, we just wanted to tell you guys why we'd have Y/N out all night." 

   George and I exchanged smirks, "What's that look for?" Hermione asked. 

   "George had something similar planned for me and we were trying to think of a way to bring it up to you guys," I explained. 

   "Oh, alright then," Hermione nodded.

    "Wait a minute," Ginny narrowed her eyes. "What're your plans exactly?"

   "Nothing you need to be concerned about, little sister," George chuckled, "Just a couple of mates going out to the pub, maybe a few clubs. Who knows where the night will take us?"

   "You mean a band of idiots who don't know how to act after a single pint?" Ginny raised a brow. 

   "Your boyfriends are included in that band of idiots and your big brothers," I added. 

   "Exactly," she spoke, "The two of you are trouble as is. Giving you the control over a whole group of you?" 

   "Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me," Hermione finished. 

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