First day pt. 2

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We kind of just stared at each other seeing if the other was real or not. I was the first to break the stare. " y/n?!" I whisper yelled.

"Omg....Liam!" She wasn't as quiet, we got a few look but we kinda just giggled. I couldn't believe she was actually here. I thought she went to Thurmond in Salem. Holy crap! She's the new kid everyone has been excited to meet! Omg, y/n was the new kid!
Well this is unexpected. Liam, the guy from the beach, actually has a class with me and remembers me. He looked confused when I said his name, like I wouldn't know it or something. "Your the new kid?!"

" umm yeah I guess. Wait have you guys heard bad things?!" Crap. No no no. What have I don't that would make it all the way here!

"No no it's just we don't get new kids and well everyone wants to know who you are!" I sighed with relief as the teacher signaled class would start.

Class went by fast and I followed vida out to my other classes. Soon lunch came by and I asked vida if I could sit with her.

Again I met up with jude and nico. Nico was definitely an odd ball. "Gosh what did you do to pencilhead in English he won't stop looking up at you." I heard vida say as I choked on my water.

" I'm sorry who?"     

" look at the table over there." I looked over and saw Liam and Charles.

" you mean Liam?"      

" yeah yeah whatever I call him pencilhead and his buddy there I call him grannie." I laughed at that because he definitely was a grannie. I told her in as little detail as possible about the beach.

" yeah he def likes you!"

    "what!? Me? No. No no no he definitely doesn't like me." She smirked at me and left me as the bell rang. I didn't know where to go but lucky me, Liam approached me.
Shoot, what was I going to say. My feet knew where to go but my mouth didn't know what to say. "Hey Liam."

"Hey!" Wow real cool Liam. Too excited.

" hey I have science next and have no clue where to go."

" great I have science next too!" Yes now we can be lab partners and we can hang out more!! We got to bio and knew that we were having partners for a project so i told her to sit next to me.

I told her since she was new I would help her catch up but in reality it's cause I wanted to be around her. She so pretty and a girls never made me feel this way.

The teacher started to tell us about the project and how it will be about the solar system. Different parts of a star, and stuff like that. I could tell she wasn't thrilled about this project either but we still had to do it, and lucky me we got to be together.
After finding out me and Liam would be partners in science, that's all I could think about the rest of the day. And since it's the first day, being distracted wasn't a good idea.

After school I was leaving my locker and heading to my car when I saw that same blonde hair, liams. I walked up to him to ask him about the project but when he turned to face me I realized very quickly this wasn't Liam, it was cole. "hey your the volleyball girl front he beach!"  

" it's y/n!" 

"Yeah yeah whatever, wait... are you the new kid? Wow didn't expect that one, have you seen Liam, I could tel after that encounter at the beach that he likes you." My face turned red at the thought of that.

I ran off down the hall out to the parking lot, tears on my cheeks. God why was I crying of embarrassment, it was Cole he was like that the day you met him, but this time tons of kids heard him.

I was about to reach my car when a hand grabbed my arm and I stumbled into Cole. "God you've embarrassed me enough Cole why can't you just leave me alo-" I was cut off by his hand on my cheeks and when I got a good look at him I realized it wasn't Cole, it was lee.

" what did Cole do to you back there y/n?!" I could see he was furious.

"Nothing ok it's... it's not your business."

  "Yeah it is when it's my brother and your crying in my arms, what happened?"  

"Nothing lee ok he just embarrassed me ok?! I was looking for you to talk about the project and it turns out he wasn't you! Now can I leave?" He let go of me. I ran the rest of the way to my car and broke down. Gosh why was I like this, pushing people out. Then I got a text.
Sorry there isn't a lot of liams point of view. Tell me what you think idk if I should continue this or not.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now