The break in.

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School was going good, it's been a month and I can feel myself falling for Liam more and more everyday. I didn't know how he felt about it. He isn't showing any sign of him liking me. I can normally read him but lately I can't.

It was awful. I had the strongest feelings for him and I couldn't tell him. Not unless he showed any signs of liking me back. We have hung out more, but not like dates kinda hanging out, just meeting up places to do homework. We had mostly the same classes so that's the only reason we did.

It was nice though because I got to spend more time With him.
school was good. Me and y/n were getting closer, I didn't know if she liked me or not. I could never read her, even when we first met. She's so closed up, and doesn't like to talk much about her feelings.

I was falling for her beauty harder and harder every single day! She didn't know it though. It was my deepest secret. She would never like me back. We were just friends.

I asked her for help on homework a lot because A: she fell for it since last year I wasn't really the brightest, and B: so that I could get closer with her. And it was working.

I was partners with her in science but we haven't had any science projects and for the first time, I was actually bummed out about it. And that never happened.

I really wanted to tell her but I had to give it more time, see if she liked me. And more that in a friend way. I really like her, and I have this whole time, but I've just been in denial because I know I'm going to get shot down.

I had just gotten home from school when I got a call from y/n and she was freaking out. The only words I heard were help, knife, and please!

As soon as I heard the panic in her voice I told her I was on my way to her house. I didn't grab my keys cause it would take to long to get in and out. So I ran to her house.

On my way to her house I called 911. And I prayed that I wasn't calling them for a stupid reason, or a prank.
I just got home from school and I was making myself a sandwich. I heard the door jiggle and just thought it was one of my parents. When I turned around to say hi it wasn't either of my parents.

Two males, who I didn't know, were standing there. I started screaming which alarmed them I was there. I grabbed the knife that I was using and aimed it in there direction. There were two males, against me. I could barely get out of liams grasp when he grabbed my hands how would I be able to escape them!

They saw me shocked and decided to take that to grab a few things and scram. I was screaming still when I saw them run out the door. I didn't know if they would come back or not so I grabbed my phone and the knife and ran to my room in the basement.

I didn't know what to do. My mom was at work and my dad was probably on a police run. So I called Liam. I don't know why I didn't call 911 but i just didn't ok?!

I was bawling my eyes out and my hands were shaking. I was having a panic attack at this point. I mean, who wouldn't.

"Liam!!! Liam please help! I.... they........... and then........a knife....please please!! I don't want to die!" Most of my words he probably couldn't hear over my screaming and crying.

"Y/n listen to me! I'm on my way stay where you are!" And with that he hung up.

I don't know how long I was in the corner of my room but I was in there for what seemed like forever. I was huddled in the smallest ball a could to make me feel safe. I heard rumbling up stairs and thought they were back.

Liam burst through the door and put his hands up. "Hey it's just me your ok now." He said as he ran over to me and dropped to his knees. I still had the knife pointed at him till I could see through my tears to make sure it was him.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now