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( ok I'm sorry but this one is a longer chapter)

The weekend went by pretty fast. I walked around my neighborhood with vida and her little sister zu. They looked nothing alike and wondered if zu was adopted.

I told vida nothing about what happened with Liam, no one could no. But I did talk to her about Clancy. Just by the looks of it I could tell she wanted to kill Clancy. And that's just the reason I could not tell her about Liam, she would hate me for what I did.

I finally moved into my new house. They had my room already set up for me so that I would feel at home straight away. It felt nice to sleep in my own bed once and for all.

Monday rolled around and I finally had the courage to open my messages from Liam. And I instantly regretted not opening them sooner. I had one voice mail from him so I opened that first.

He was apologizing for what happened. Then when I opened the messages I screamed, waking both my parents. Liam and Claire his little sister had both been hospitalized. They got into a car crash.

It had been Cole texting me from his phone. Gosh why was I so stupid!! I should have just been upfront with him! I must have collapsed or passed out cause the next thing I knew my dad was shaking my shoulders and I was on my bed, my mom crying next to me asking me to wake up.

"No no no!! We have to go to the hospital! Now! Omg omg! I can't believe this, let's go why are you looking at me like that!!?"  

"Sweetie why are we going to the hospital? Your fine you just passed out."  

"No not for me! My friend....he and his little sister... th....." I couldn't get it out, I showed my mom my phone and a look of horror came over her.
We arrived at the hospital an hour later. Dad called me in sick for the next 3 days, just in case something terrible happened. I got there and immediately saw Cole, slouched over, and what looked like he was crying.

"Where are Claire and Liam?!" When he didn't answer I threw a punch at his shoulder. "Cole! What happened?!" As I said it I heard my voice break, and the tears were back.

"What took you so long?! Huh?! We crashed Friday night and you ignore all those missed texts from him for what!?" He was furious, and I couldn't even look at him. My parent just stood there silent not knowing what to do, til my dad took me to a seat and got me some water.

"It's ok sweetie your here now."  

"No dad, it's not ok, my friend could've died for all I know and I was so stupid to ignore his texts all because I was scared!" 

" why would you be scared?" My mom asked. I told her and dad what had happened between me and lee, then followed by what went down with Clancy. Mom always liked Clancy and I could see her heart break when I showed her the video.

We waited for about an hour before the doctor gave us the ok to go see him. I slowly walked over to the side of his bed, not knowing if he wanted to see me or not. That is until I heard him speak.

"Is she here, mom? Has she come yet?" 

"I'm here." I heard myself say as tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Y/n? Omg you came!" He looked fine, he had a few cuts and bruises here and there but other wise looked fine. I practically ran into his arms, both of us falling onto the bed.
As I saw her she ran to me and toppled us both onto the hospital bed. She looked at my face and arms and everywhere she could asking if I was ok. She quickly tried to get up but I didn't let her.

"You didn't hurt me, I'm fine, i only came out with a few bruises."

"What do you mean I? What about Claire she is fine right? Just like you and Cole?" I looked at her and everyone left the room, leaving only me and her in it.

"Clai......Claire didn't umm... she didn't make it." I could barely get it out. I broke down crying in y/n's arms.

"Omg. Liam.. I'm so so sorry for your loss. Gosh she was only what, ten?" I nodded. "how did-" I could see she wanted to know. "Omg that's so rude of me.. I'm so sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like that!"

  " your good." I reassured her. "Cole was driving me to chubs house cause it was getting late and my mom doesn't like me on my motorcycle that late. She wanted to come and I kept telling her no, but I let her anyways. We had just came to a stop sign, and when Cole started to pull away ..... it ...it came out of nowhere and hit her side of the car. We were all rushed to the hospital, and she passed yesterday morning."  I could see the pain and shock on her face.

"I can't even begin to imagine what that was like, I'm so so sorry. I..." she began to choke up. "But she's so young!" She began to cry with me. We held each other, crying to each other for what felt like forever until I finally let go.

"It's all my fault. I could've saved her, I should've told her no to coming, and I should've been paying attention, I could've covered her and saved her. I ju.."  y/n cut me off and just hugged me. She ran her fingers up and down my back, that felt really nice.

"It's not your fault Liam, or Coles, or anyone but the driver in the other car. They should've payed attention, they didn't do the right thing and it ended up with a tragic accident." She looked so calm but her voice said the opposite of it. She was trying to hold it in, for me.

Wednesday we had Claire's  funeral. Y/n took the day from school to be there. I thought that was really nice, even after everything that was going on between me and her, she was still there for me, for my family, more importantly, Claire.

It was one of the hardest days of my life, and one I thought would never happen. Claire was supposed to out live me. But she didn't. She didn't. That's all I could keep thinking about. She's gone. Really gone.

But one thing i was glad about was I had y/n by my side and they guy who caused her death, was put away, in jail for life.

The hardest part of that day was seeing vida show up with her little sister zu. Claire's best friend had to come to her funeral at only age 11. Neither zu nor Claire deserved this. She was crying her head off and that made it that much worse for me to hold it in. I couldn't.

I had to go outside for that part. Y/n followed me out and sat with me. She played with my hair and rubbed by back. She had no idea how much better her being around made me feel.
It was awful, the day Claire's funeral was on. She was so young, and poor zu, her best-friend had to be there at such a young age.

I sat outside with Liam when he went out. "I never asked you about what happened with your boyfriend. Are you guys ok?" I knew he was going to ask that.

"Liam, today isn't the day to be talking about my love life." Or ever.

"No, I need something to distract myself. And I really screwed things up for you, didn't I." 

"No. Things were messed up way before you walked into it. More like hit your way into it." This made him laugh. It felt good to hear him laugh. "His name was Clancy. He... he cheated on me." What else could I say?

"He what? Like, multiple times? Cause if so why didn't you leave that dirt bag?" 

"No I mean, we broke up Friday, I called my best-friend Sam to tell her what had happened you know." He nodded "and she just told me not to worry, that at the moment he was at another girls house and that at school they were getting really close." I could tell he was angry at this

"She sent me a video later that night of him kissing that same girl at the same restaurant he took me on our first date. I told him we were over then. So I guess he isn't really my boyfriend anymore, he's my ex." He was furious now.

"He didn't deserve you, no one does. I mean look at your your pretty, smart, and have the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen, and he has the audacity to cheat on you? Please, he's crazy!" I laughed in between my cry's. We sat there a little longer before he headed in.
"Look y/n, however long it takes you, days, weeks, years from now? I'm ready whenever you are." I told her. She smiled at me and nodded, showing me she understood that I meant for a relationship. I headed back in just before they sent Claire off. I said goodbye one last time. One last time. Before letting go of the casket.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now