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We laid in his bed and listened to music, I must  have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes again, he wasn't next to me, and the sun was setting.

I looked at my phone and messaged my mom I was at liams. Liam walked into the room with two plates of food. "Hey, your up." He said handing me a plate.

"Yeah sorry about that." We ate out food, fettuccine Alfredo. It was soo good. "Did you make this Liam?" I must have caught him off guard cause he almost chocked on his pasta.

"No my mom made it. Hey umm, I have some good news." I heard him say. "I'm going back to school next week." I practically flew off his bed. I was jumping up and down. I was so happy he was finally getting back to his old self.

"Yesssss!!! Yessss!! Yessss!!!!!" 

"Woah woah woah! Slow down. That's not all I had to say. To make us feel better, Coles friends decided to throw a party, and I want you to come." Liam wants you to go?

"Yes! Umm I mean yeah... I would love to go." Play it cool.

"Great, uhh I'll drop you off at your house and then I'll pick you up around 8? The party ends at midnight so let your parents know that."

He dropped me off at my house and walked me to my door. As soon as I was I inside I ran to my bedroom. I needed a cute outfit and I needed a shower. The party started in an hour and I had no idea what to wear.

He picked me up at 8 like he said he would and he talked to my parents, telling them who was running the party, when it ended, all that stuff, and then we were off.
We arrived at the party a little after it started and there were tons of kids already here, I spotted vida right away and ran up to her. "Hey, I didn't know you would be here!" She said.

"Yeah, who knew I partied." I replied with in a sarcastic tone. We walked around for a little while until they wanted to play spin the bottle. I saw Liam was gonna play so I did too. I mean we weren't official, he hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything.

So I guess it was ok for us to play. Once it was my turn I wanted to back out, but I couldn't, I sat here the whole time so I couldn't chicken out. I spun it and thought it would land on Liam but it wasn't him. It was Cole. NO. Not Cole.

I saw the look in his eyes earlier, at the school parking lot when I was trying to calm him down. He was leaning in and All I could do was sit there, I didn't want to kiss him.

Why are you doing this? I thought. We kissed but only a peck, it was Cole here, I didn't Like him, not any of him. I could see Liam death glaring his brother. 

As soon as the next person spin their bottle I got up to go out side. Gosh why did you play in the first place. When I went back in to apologize to Liam he wasn't anywhere to be found.

I went to talk with vida and chubs but could see they weren't arguing, and that never happens, they were just talking, so I let them be. I wondered when he would ask her out.

Next week is the last week before break and then we come back and prom would be soon. I still needed a dress. I bumped into the back of someone. "Omg Liam I'm so sorry, I went to come fi-." Cole. Why did I always run into Cole.

"Hey gem. Your good. Oh here, a drink." I smelled it and it reeked of alcohol, and so did he. "No. I don't drink." I tried to give it back to him but I set it down when he didn't take it back.

"Oh come on, it's a party, just have one." He started to get closer.

"Cole please back up your drunk."

"I'm fine!" He said, his words slurring together.

"Cole! I said back up." He kept getting closer. Too close. That's when someone pushed him back.

"She said stay back! Lay off dude!"  

"I'm fine lia..... wait, no no no! Clancy?" I needed air, it couldn't be him. I was dehydrated. And I was going to pass out. When I tried to move away, they grabbed my hands, my vision was going in and out of focus. But when I finally gained my vision back I realized it was Liam the whole time.

"I need air." Was all I said before we were walking out to liams car. He sat me in the front seat buckled me in and he got into the drivers seat.

"Hey calm down it's ok, we're in my car. Your not at the party anymore." I hadn't realized I was crying until he put his hands on my face. And then I passed out.
Y/n passed out on her way home. I woke her up and she flew awake. "Where are we! Omg the party?!"

  "Y/n! It's me, it's ok I drove you home. Your ok." I took her a moment for the sleep to clear from her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry." There was panic in her voice.

"What happened at the party y/n?"  She looked like she was going to be sick. "What did Cole do to you? Did he hurt you?" She was holding back tears.

"I was looking around for you, when I thought I found you it was Cole. He offered me a drink but I told him no, and set it down. He kept getting closer and closer to me until I guess you punched him."

"I saw cole getting close and you looked upset and I knew he was drunk so I pushed him off. I didn't know if he hurt you or something so I just had to do something." 

"Well thank you. For everything, really." I went to give her a kiss on her cheek but she turned and our lips touched, her face flooded with color as she got out of the car. I made sure she made it in safely before I pulled away, back to get Cole.
I helped Cole to his room before I shut the door and started to yell at him. Mom and Harry went out so I was safe to yell at him. "Why were you trying to get close to y/n?! Huh! She was obviously scared and wanted to get away from you so why did you keep getting close?" He just looked at me. "Answer me cole! Before I eat you out to mom!"

"Fine ok, idk why I did, ok i had to much to drink and I wasn't thinking right. And hey you two aren't even together so why did it matter if I got close to her or not?" 

"  BECAUSE SHE CLEARLY WANTED TO GET AWAY FROM YOU! I would have don't that for any girl if you were trying to get close to them without consent!" I stormed out of his room. But he stopped me when he said this.

"Look Liam I'm sorry ok?! But I'm not the one you should be worried about, it's that dude she mentioned you should be. She through you were him and a look of fear came over her face." I must not have heard her say whatever the guys name was, I was just too angry that Cole wasn't listening to her to pay attention to that. I just needed her to know she was ok.

(Sorry this idea is trash, but let me know what I should add to the story!)

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now