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Ewwww. I'm a senior now. I hated this feeling. Now I would have to start looking at colleges and applying. I woke up to my alarm and wasn't excited for today. Y/n would notice Olivia isn't here, she will ask, and so will Vida and chubs, and I will have to explain everything that happened, I can't keep hiding this.

I got Coles black keep since he couldn't take it to college. They gave him money to get a car, but it wasn't a lot. So he would have to pay for some of it.

I was so happy that I was a senior though, now I wouldn't have to worry about parking in the back lot, or the soccer field lot. Seniors had the parking lot closest to the school and since most kids walked, I had plenty of spaces to choose from.

I listened to music to hype myself up. I needed to hype myself up to see y/n. It's weird. I don't have feelings for her, but I still get nervous around her.

I saw vida and chubs so I hopped out of my car and walked in with them. "Where is y/n?" I asked them. "Idk haven't heard from her all morning, why....." oh no, that did seem a little weird.

"Oh no it's just you guys are always together and today she wasn't so I just didn't know. So are you guys excited to be seniors?" They both gave me a look "yes I am thank you very much!" Chubs Said.

"Eww no, I'm not ready for college, heck i don't even know how I passed junior year!" We all laughed. Unfortunately, even though we were seniors, we still had to wait for the locker bell.

School opened at 7am but we couldn't go to our lockers till 7:20 am. I hated it. Cause all you could do is stand there in the lobby talking with other kids. It was so awkward, especially first day back.

I hadn't even realized she walked up to me until she said something. "Hey Liam! Uhh where is Olivia?" Great. Just great. I was hoping I wouldn't have to talk to her, but no, and on top of if I had to explain that me and Olivia weren't together. Here we go.
I got to the school around 7 and just waited in my car till 7:10 I saw chubs and vida but left them alone when I saw Liam join them. I had to hype myself up. I had to talk to him today! I have to. No more ignoring him. It's not right.

I walked into the school and immediately walked up to him. My head told me no but my feet knew exactly what to do. "Hey Liam! Where is Olivia?" She was always around. And all the sudden I haven't seen her all summer.

"Oh hey y/n. Uhh... me and her.. we ...... she moved to California." Wow. First off, rude that he didn't tell us, and second I felt bad for him. "What when? I'm so sorry. How did it happen?"

"It's ok, I went to see why she didn't show at the airport for Cole and well when I went there they had a moving van. And she was leaving that day. She didn't know till then."

"Wow, I'm so sorry. So how's long distance for you." Wow that sounded so rude the way I said it. "We broke up that day...." omg. I wasn't expecting that. "Omg I'm, I'm so sorry Liam. Why didn't you tell any of us?"

"Well I didn't want to be a burden on you guys, and I'm over it so yeah. But enough about me, what about you and Kai?" Just great, now I have to explain my sappy love life.

"Well, he uhh, he cheated on me, so...." I said with a sad chuckle. "What? If you don't mind me asking.. how?" I didn't mind. "A girl texted me saying that he had been hanging out with a girl for 2 weeks prior and she saw a post of me and didn't know if we were a thing or not. And I when I tried to talk to him, he said it was too stressful and that we were over."

He looked furious, "how long ago was this?"
I could feel myself getting super protective. "Uhh i can't remember..." but I knew the date. "Fourth of July." She looked at me "no no it wasn't......wait yeah, how did you know? Did vida or chubs tell you?" She was angry now. "No! No one told me anything I'm just putting 2 and 2 together. You were crying that day and you looked like you wanted to die, so" she laughed

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now