The Suprise!

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I spent most of the Saturday at vidas. Her little sister zu was out of the house for the weekend with her parents, so it was just us. I told her about what happened with me and Clancy. And about what happened at the party. How I thought Liam was Clancy. I told her how Liam would be going back to school. I couldn't remember if he said I could tell her but I did anyways. Sunday rolled around and I got my school work caught up. Sam wasn't answering her phone. Which was odd. She always had her phone. She probably got grounded. Was all I could make of an excuse. Monday morning came along too fast. Liam was coming to school today though so I wanted to look nice. I put on some nicer, but still warm, clothes. My car was still at the school from when Cole took me to see Liam, so I had Liam come pick me up. He looked a lot better than he did Friday, the party. "Hey darlin'." He said as he opened my door. He looked ready to be back to school. "You look extra happy" I said to him as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was weird, me and him. I just got out of a almost 2 year relationship, and here I was, kissing Liam. And we weren't even official, that's what made it worse. I was getting my heart involved in something that I had a chance of it getting it broken. We arrived at the school and I went to my car to grab a few things, I told Liam he could continue on without me. I walked into the school and headed to the office, to explain why I had been out those few days last week. It in case my dad forgot. As soon as I walked into the office though, I wanted to throw up. Clancy gray, my ex, was standing right in front of me. "Surprise y/n!" No! Why? Why was he here!
I could feel tears on my cheeks and I ran for the trash can. I threw up immediately. The nurse happened to just walk in and she helped me up from the floor. "Oh my goodness! Here stay right here I'm going to call your dad." It all happened so fast. All I knew was I wanted Clancy out of my sight. "Get him away from me...please." The secretary looked at me with concern and took him out of the front office into the principals office. When she came back she made sure I was ok. "Honey, did he hurt you? Do I need to call you help?" Of course she thought he hurt me. "No, he only hurt me emotionally, he cheated on me, with another girl." She sighed and walked back to her seat. My dad picked me up later and the nurse told me just to stay home for the day.
I walked into first period with no sight of y/n. Is she hurt? Is she skipping class? I didn't know which one it was but I was on a mission before 4th period came. I had just enough time to check and see if her car was here. It wasn't. She left. Upset, I ran and made it just in time to math. We had a new kid and he sat next to me. His name was Clancy. That name sounds so familiar. I just couldn't place it. He seemed nice, but also like he would be popular. Although he wasn't that good looking. "Hi I'm Liam." He introduced himself and told me a bit about himself. We walked to lunch but today I sat with another table, the table full of boys. He wanted to sit there and offered for me to come, so I did. Although I could see chubs wasn't happy about that one. He never was when it came to me sitting with other people. I don't know what it was
I got home and headed straight for my room. I felt really sick to my stomach, all because Clancy transferred schools. I couldn't face him, not yet. I told my mom what happened and she just shook her head, " you have to face him one day, you have school tomorrow and your going. You can't hide here forever." I knew that but it still hurt. I could do this. No you can't. I got a call and it was Liam. "Hey where are you? I've been looking for you all day!" I couldn't tell him, he would kill Clancy. That's what I want, but it can't happen, and he  probably already knows who he is. "I didn't feel good so my dad came to get me. Sorry I forgot to text you."  "Your good! Hey there is a new kid. He seems really cool, you have to meet him tomorrow." He had met Clancy, but he already had a good impression on him, thats very very bad. "Yeah maybe. See ya." I hung up before he could say anything else. He had broken my heart and didn't even know it.
I slept for most of the day. Liam came by but I acted super sick so that he would leave. I think he knew I didn't want him to be there, I don't think he actually bought the fake coughs.
Tuesday came and I want ready. I had to show him what he was missing. So I got ready and looked at nice, but comfy, as a could. I got to school and just prepared to see him. I didn't see him first or second period and then I thought I was in the clear. Until 4th period came. Math. He was sitting next to Liam, where I normally would sit, but I decided to sit on the other side of vida. "He's walking into a death trap isn't he?" Vida said to me. She clearly remembered who clancy was and she wasn't happy. "Don't say anything vida. Ok just let him figure it out on his own."  "Come on! How has he not figured it out. He was asking about you and Liam kept feeding into it! He's a total -."      "Ok vi! I get it. But Liam isn't my problem, we aren't dating or anything so he can figure it out on his own." Here was the issue with Liam, he was so focused on seeing the good in people, he missed the weapon they hold in their hands.
Lunch came and I waited for Liam but he never came. He sat with Clancy and all the jocks. He looked over at me with a questioning look but I just looked away. Part of me was hurt he was trying to be friends with my ex. He had to of know it was him. He had the same name, came from the same school, so either he was really trying to be nice, or he didn't know. As soon as lunch was over he came over to me, Clancy trailing behind him. I tried to escape him but he was quicker. "Hey, I want you to meet Clancy. The new kid." I looked at Clancy and he just smirked. "Hi." I said plainly. Liam squeezed my hand and I knew he wasn't happy that I was being short with my response.
why was she being like this. He is the new kid after all. She should be nice to him out of everyone, she was once the new kid and must know what it feels like. She acted like this for the rest of the week, not talking to me or him. She only spoke to me when he wasn't around, and I wondered if there was more to the story. She ignored my calls and texts all weekend. I texted her merry Christmas and got no reply, and I wondered what I did to make her so mad. I thought maybe it's because I was showing him more attention to him than I was her? But I don't know. She complicated like that.
it was officially Christmas and I woke up to a huge surprise. Sam! "WAKEUP WAKEUP!" She kept saying until I came to my senses. "OMG!! SAM?" That's why she hadn't been answering her phone. And why dad had to take "one last trip" to Salem. He was picking up Sam, to bring her here for the holidays. "Omg how long are you staying? When did you get here?" I had so many questions and so little time. She was staying till the day after New Years. We caught up on everything. All the drama at Thurmond and here. Who was dating who, who liked who. And all that. We stayed up all night and just talked, drank hot coco, watched out favorite movies, and everything we would do at home together. I missed having her over. She made me so happy. I realized I hadn't had a single sleepover since I left Salem.
"Soooo how are you and the hottie from the beach?!" Of course she would want to talk about Liam. "We aren't together before you get any ideas, and second, we aren't really talking anymore." She looked confused. "Hold up. When did this happen? Last I knew you guys were fine, and what seemed like in love!"   "He was trying to be friends with Clancy." I blurted out. Shock coming over her face. "Omg I knew he was moving from Thurmond but I didn't know he was coming here!"   "He was sitting with him at lunch and being super friendly, but what's weird is when I told him about Clancy, he was super angry about what he did, and it's not like he doesn't know his name. I've mentioned him a couple of times. It just doesn't add up, you know?" She looked furious. Of course she was. Everytime someone tried to be mean to me or was mean to me she always made it her mission to get payback. "DONT! Even think about it." Embarrassment came over her face as I said it. "Look, I don't know the guy, I could just go up to him, and say what I need to say, and leave. He wouldn't even know!" No, as much as this would make me a little happy, I couldn't to Liam. I couldn't ever hate him. That's the thing about him. He made me feel ok, he always made me feel loved, welcomed. No matter what He did, I couldn't seem to not like him. "He's going through a lot right now, and I can't do that to him. Not him."  Wrong thing to say. "HE IS LITERALLY TRYING TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR EX! Look I know you like him, a lot, and I know he makes you happy cause you've never been like this with anyone, but idk I get this feeling about him. Just please, I don't want your heart broke. Not over him." My phone lit up and before I could grab it she was already unlocking it. "Ok here is what the message from Liam says. Hey darlin' I'm not really sure what I've done to make you upset with me but what ever it is I'm really sorry. Look, please just talk to me. It's killing whatever I'm doing wrong. I just need you to talk to me. Omg he really likes you, doesn't he?" I nodded, hearing him say that made me feel a little better but sam said something before I could. "Look can we just not talk to him or anything till I'm gone. Please!" Fine, I never get to see her anyways so I needed to spend at much time as possible with her.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now