Boy drama

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I looked at my phone that read, "new message from Clancy😘"

Clancy😘: Hey babe! How was your first day?

Me: it was ok, although it was weird since I've started mid year for them. Lol

Clancy😘: oh yeah I forgot your starting mid year. Any new friends.

Me: yeah, there is this really cool girl named vida, she helped me around the school for most of the day. And then there is Liam, he was nice.

Clancy😘: Nice! Glad to see your not lonely without me. XD. So umm do you want to call/FaceTime?

Crap of course he would want to call. But I didn't want him to see me like this. An emotional mess. So I lied.

Me: sorry I can't Clancy. I'm just about to get to my car so I don't wanna miss my turns and stuff.

Clancy😘: are you hiding something? You alway want to call me. Even if your driving.

He's always been like this. Insecure and always thinks I'm hiding something. He's overly protective of me and doesn't know when he's crossed the line. He always has to know where I am, who I'm with, and what I'm doing. It's so annoying and with me moving every thing with him is so complicated!

Me: no no it's just new town and i almost got lost this morning. I'll call you later before bed.
I put my face in my hands and just let the tears fall. I missed my old friends, school here is so much different, and I don't even know why I was crying of embarrassment, all Cole said was that Liam had a "crush" on me.

And he's probably lying that's what brothers do to each other. I think it was just my nerves getting the best of me.

I had just gotten to my room(the basement) and sat on my bed when I got an unknown call.

" hey."

" umm who is this?" They sounded familiar but I didn't know who it was coming through the phone.

"Oh right, you ghosted me all summer, never texted me once. It's Liam."

Shoot. He was right, I hadn't texted him, but it's not like he did either.

"Hey Liam. Sorry bout that, but you hadn't texted me either."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Look umm sorry about what happened in the parking lot, I didn't mean to overstep."

"Your good I overreacted."

"No, you didn't. But umm I was wondering if tonight we both do our fair share of the project that we can do on our own then tomorrow I'll go get the supplies we need and we can finish it at my house?"

"Uh yeah that sound great, how much money do I need to give you for the supplies?"

" none, I'll just cover it, I'll send you my address. meet me here after school tomorrow?"

"Yeah sounds great see you then!"
I stayed up most of the night doing what I could, woke up, went to school and couldn't wait for the day to be over.

When the bell rang signaling I could finally leave I headed straight to the address Liam sent me. I pulled up to liams house and he was already waiting outside for me.

We walked inside and I instantly fell in love with his house, it felt so cozy. "Uhh Cole is home, is it ok if we work in my room?"

"Yeah that's ok with me." When we walked into his room, it was huge. But there was little space left with all the supplies that was sprawled out. We worked for what felt like years until I gave up.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now