The accident

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Me and Sam for a long as I can remember, have spent New Years together. Since I had saved up some money I went to the store and got as many fake champagne bottles as I could. We always ran out so I grabbed a ton. By the end of the night me and her were zonked. I fell asleep around 4 and she was asleep at 3. I wanted to text Liam soo bad so I told him I would come over later. He read it but didn't reply. And that was ok with me because I had done it to him over the last couple of days. Sam left later around noon. Her parents came to get her so that they could stop in and say hi. They talked with my parents for a while till she left. "Text me and call me whenever ok, and tell me how things go." She gave me a look and I knew she meant Liam, but did say his name since my parents where right there. "I will, I think I'll be able to update you on the app later today." She caught on to what I meant. She gave me a look of don't get your hopes up. I nodded and waved bye as they drove off, back home.
I took a 2 hour nap and a shower before I was going to head over to liams. I needed to talk to him about what was going on. I decided to walk since there was snow on the ground and the roads were icy. My parents gave me the address to their friends house. They were having a party there and told me to come there when I was done. They said it ends at midnight so they would be there all night. I headed my way to liams and saw another car in the driveway. Of course Cole would have friends over. I thought as I knocked on the front door. Liam was the one to open the door, and a wave of panic rushed over his face. "Uummm y/n? You didn't tell me you were coming over today!?" He was acting weird, what was he hiding. "Uh yes I did, I texted you thing morning, and you saw the message." Now he looked confused "no, I didn't get any messages from you, or anyone telling me they were coming over." Liam looked over his shoulder and started to close the door behind him but some one else popped into view. Clancy. He had Clancy over for New Years!? "Oh hey, y/n right?" He was playing Liam. Liam didn't know it was him. I must have looked ill or something, cause Liam was grabbing my arms. "No please let go of me. Now Liam!" He let go, and he looked scared. "I..... I... this was a mistake, I shouldn't have come." Clancy started to step out the door. "Hey it's ok, I don't know what I've done to you but I won't hurt you. And your boyfriend here-." "He is not my boyfriend!" Liam looked hurt when I said this. "And I want you to stay away from me. Both of you." I added that last part when Liam started to come near me. I started to run toward the address my parents gave me as soon as my legs felt weak. I couldn't let Clancy see me like this,weak.
"Leave." Was all I told Clancy. "What? Your really going to listen to her? She's crazy man!" This time I grabbed his stuff and shoved him out the door. "I said leave, it doesn't matter why, just please go." He huffed and turned around. I looked down at the ground and saw a little note. It said an address and it said here is the address we will be at tonight y/n. We will be there till midnight so when your done just come straight over. Love mom. It was y/n's. I don't know exactly why she is mad at me but it's something to do with the new kid. I can't place it thought. What could he have done to her. I texted y/n to come back over but go not response. I knew she was angry but I had to give her some space, until she was ready. I wasn't going to push her. She is so vivacious, she's full of life and always happy, and yet I don't seem to see that side of her.
I arrived at the house and went to the basement. They had games and stuff set up down there but I didn't care, I just put my headphones on and jammed out to music, the older kind was my favorite. The adults were upstairs playing beer pong and watching football and basketball games. I was texting same and she was still in her way home. It was getting dark outside and I wondered when we would be leaving. I told her what happened with liam and she told me I needed to drop him. But I couldn't, not him. Agape. We learned that at Thurmond, it means the highest form of love. Selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love. Persists no matter the circumstances. It reminded me of me and his relationship. No matter what he does I can't ever stop loving him. I just want to be with him even after everything that's going on. All the sudden the smoke started to flood the basement from under the door. Me and two other kids who were playing video games ran to the top. I felt the door handle and it was burning up, I kicked the door down and it burst into flames. The fire was right in front of the door, we had no way out. We ran to the window in the basement. The first boy kicked it open and got out, I had to help push the younger one out the window. The fire was starting to make its way towards us. The younger boy accidentally kicked me in the face, and my vision went black.
I decided to take a walk while trying to calm down. I saw fire trucks rushing to a house a few blocks over and decided to check things out. I ran to the house only to find out it was the house party y/n went to. NO! I ran up to her parents asking if she was ok and they said she was still in the basement. "The two boys who got out said she was right behind them but she never climbed out." Said her dad. "NO! IM GOING IN" her dad held me back. "It's to dangerous, the firemen are getting her!" They had been crying and soon I was too. I was the reason she was here. I should have told the new kid to leave. And she would be at my house, not here, not in the basement. She would be alive. I heard a voice in my head. No! She is not dead. She will make it out. The firemen rushed out with y/n in their hands, rushing her towards a stretcher. I ran for her and almost fell onto the stretcher myself. "Omg! Y/n can you hear me? It's Liam!" She looked at me and then she was out. They wouldn't let me in the back of the ambulance, so I road with her dad to the hospital.
I was waiting in the lobby for I swear years. Her parents let the room and let me in there with her by myself. "God y/n! This is all my fault, I should have told the new kid to leave, I should have let you stay at my house, then you wouldn't be in this mess. Gosh I'm so sorry." I was sobbing at this point. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I couldn't lose her. Not after losing Claire. Then I felt a hand rubbing my back, I looked up and she was looking at me. I probably shouldn't have but I kissed her, as soon as I saw her smile at me. I kissed her gently, not wanting to hurt her. When I pulled back she smiled at me and I kissed her again. I rested my forehead against hers and whispered that I was sorry. "Your ok Liam, it's not your fault." She said in a very raspy voice. "But why?" I heard her say in a softer voice this time. "Why what?" I was confused now. "Why were you trying to be his friend after everything?!" "Because he was the new kid and look where things got us when I was nice to you as the new kid. I mean I don't want that with him but I wanted to be nice." "But he was my ex. And after seeing you so upset after what he did to me I thought you wouldn't want to talk to him. And here you were being friend with him? Why?" "Wait what? He's your ex?" That's why he sounded so familiar. "Yeah.... omg I thought you knew that. Same name, same school. I thought it would all just add up. Omg Liam I'm so sorry." "No, I'm sorry. I knew he seemed familiar but I didn't realize that was your Clancy. He lied to me and said he was from South Carolina".    "He is, he lived there when he was little. But no he was from Thurmond." Wow. He really was cruel. "No wonder he always asked about you, asked if you would be there on New Years, asked your schedule and all that. Gosh he's a creep. I'm so sorry I didn't put them together, if I had know... he would be dead right now." She laughed, her laugh was so light. And then she started coughing. "Woah hey you ok?" She nodded. Just weak. Alive, but weak. She had burns on her back, and besides that she was going to be fine.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now