Saying goodbye.

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School flew by in the blink of an eye. One second it was March and the next it was may, and the last week of school.

"Hey, you look sad what's up?" Kai said as he sat down next to me. "I've just been thinking this is our last week together. School ends this Friday, and then you have Saturday and then you leave for college Sunday."

I knew he wasn't happy about leaving me for college either, but we hadn't thought about it till here recently, as he was packing his things. "I know, but hey! We will make this work!" I prayed that it would.

He pulled me closer to him on the porch swing. He picked me up every morning from my house, and today he showed up early. I liked when he did that cause I would have more time with him.
We got to school and I noticed neither Liam or Cole were there. So when lunch came I asked Kai if we could sit with Vida and chubs. Luckily he said he wanted to be better friends with them.

I could see chubs disappointed look because I wasn't with Liam. I don't know why but ever since we took our break he looks at me funny. I hated the way he looked at me. And he was practically glaring at Kai until vida nudged him.
After school I asked Kai if he could drop me off at Liams. "Why are you going to liams?" I could tell he was worried I was getting back with him. "Don't worry, I'm not going for him, Im going to say bye to his brother before he goes to college. This week is his last week." He nodded and dropped me off.

"Hey my house isn't too far from here you can go, I'll just walk home. It's nice out anyways!" He seemed spectacle but left anyways.

I made my way up to the door and knocked on it lightly. I was surprised on who opened the door. It was Olivia. "What are you doing here?" I asked a little too quickly. " I should be asking you that!" She said in a harsh tone.

"Y/n? What the heck are you doing here." He said in a nervous voice. "I'm here for Cole. Am I interrupting something? Should I come back later?" He looked at Olivia and said "nope, we're leaving anyways."

He stopped me right before they walked out. "Be careful. If he does anything, please tell me." I tried to pull free but he wouldn't let me. "I can take care of myself Liam!" And ripped my arm out of his grip.

They walked out the door, I think going to the beach cause she had on a suit. She kissed him, but I think she did it to remind me that she is with him.

I walked up to Coles room and shut the door behind me. He jumped when he saw me. Not expecting me. "Hey Cole, it's just me. I just wanted to stop in to say goodbye before you leave."

He stood slowly and walked towards me. Whatever Liam has said to him, he clearly didn't want to talk to me or touch me. "It's ok you can give me a hug!" He hugged me and started crying.

"Look idk what Liam said to you but your fine. That night at the prom was a misunderstanding, you don't have to ignore me or shun me out of your life, or whatever it is your trying to do."

He pulled away from my hug. I wiped the tears off his cheek, and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'm so sorry y/n I really didn't mean to hurt you!" I cut him off "you already apologized, and that not why I'm here so stop with that and just let me be here with you in your last moments!"

He laughed "you making it sound like I'm dying y/n!" I giggled at this. I guess I was. "So are you excited for Harvard?" He was going with a soccer scholarship. "Not really. I'm gonna be far away from you all."

"Think about it this way, would you be excited to leave Kai?" My heart dropped. I never thought about it that way. "No....sorry.." I mumbled. "Your fine it's just, it's not all that exciting leaving your family and stuff." He had a point.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now