Breaking point.

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I stayed the night at the hospital, I slept on the chair in her room and her mom got the couch. Her dad couldn't stay cause of his work. When I woke up she was already up and her mom went out to get us food. I walked over to the side of the bed and climbed in next to her. She scooted over to make room. I rubbed her arm and traced circles on it. "Are you in any pain? Do you need medicine?" I found myself asking tons of questions. "Im fine Liam." I hadn't realized what I said next until she was turning to face me. "What about us?" She looked like she was going to cry. "I'm not sure." She said after a while. "We definitely need to talk to each other more. Communication. And trust, this is a place where we don't have to lie. And what else?" I couldn't look at her. So she spoke again. "All I know is I can't keep doing this. We can't keep getting angry at each other and then out of the blue like each other again. One day it's not gonna work and it's gonna be over." I heard the pain in her voice when she said that. "That's not what I mean! That's came out so wrong."   "It's ok y/n I know what you mean. And to be honest. The way I see it, you and me? Inevitable. I feel like no matter what happens in our lives, we were and are meant to be." I could see her face light up. She kissed my cheek. "You really thing that?" She said as she ran her fingers though my hair. I nodded. I wanted to ask her, so bad. I wanted her to be my girlfriend, but I didn't know if she was ready for that. So I chickened out. "Your tired, go home, get some sleep. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I have help here."   "No. None of that. I'm here, for you. I'm not going to leave until you leave. The doctors said you might be able to leave tomorrow!" She didn't understand how much love I had for her. She just smiled and closed her eyes. We laid in her hospital bed together until her mom came back, and I practically jumped out of the bed. Scaring her mom half to death. She gave us our food and backed out of the room "I'm just gonna let you guys be." She giggled and shut the door.
I climbed into the my chair and pulled it up next to her. "I feel like we should take a break" she said. She was killing me here. Good thing I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend.
I don't know why I said it but I did. "Why?" He was more confused than even and I could tell. "I don't know. We've just been moving so fast I feel like and we haven't really had the chance to see other people. And I feel like we get mad at each other, and then something happens, we like each other again, and it just repeats itself. So I feel like we just need a little break." I was breaking his heart and I could see it. "Y/n, give me one good reason why we shouldn't be together and I'll give you a million why we should."  He was making this worse than it had to be "Idk. It's obvious we like each other but, I just think we should take a break, see other people, and if that doesn't work out.... we could try again?" I knew he hated the idea but this was all to much for me. "Yeah. I guess." He was heartbroken. And I didn't know what to do. "Uhh I'm just gonna go home and get some sleep ok? Text me when you get home so I know not to come here" he said that and left with a small smile.
I texted Liam when I got home and I took a nap. I was going to the mall later today to try on prom dresses with my mom and vida. I ended up getting a really pretty one. It was a pretty orange looking ball gown dress.  (Photo at bottom)
It was perfect. I absolutely loved it! Vida got a purple dress and it looked stunning on her. Now all we had to do was get dates for prom. I was afraid Liam was going to ask me. And now I felt bad cause if he already had a surprise I would have ruined it. I told vida how me and him were taking a break. "You what! Omg but you two are meant to be!"    "Don't make it worse vida. I really like him but I can't be stuck on him if our relationship stayed the way it was, and we hadn't started dating or anything so we didn't break up!" She was just in shock. "Whatever, you'll be single to the dance then." I laughed at this but I'm not sure if it's because I was nervous or just because it was funny.
It was the first day back from break and everyone was on the edge. Who was gonna promposal who and if any. Me and vida were making our way to science when we walked straight into a crowd. Liam and chubs were standing in the middle. Yes, he's finally gonna do it! Chubs was gonna ask vida. I think. If Liam was gonna ask me. What would I say? Vida clearly thought it was Liam who was gonna ask me because she pushed me forward, and I just stepped to the side. That's when it hit her. Oh no. This will either go, yes I will go with you, or no your such a weirdo. They weren't official and I was worried how she would react to this. "Vida, you make me so happy, and I was wondering if you would go to prom with me?" He said, the poster he was holding was shaking. She had tears in her eyes and I didn't know if she was happy or out of embarrassment. "Yes... yes I will!!" She ran up to him and kissed him. And I'm guessing for the first time cause he looked as shocked as everyone else. I had to practically peal her off him. "Alright love birds we're gonna be late for class. Let's go vida." She gave him one last kiss before finally giving in. "This is the best day ever!" I heard her say under her breath.
We ate lunch and headed to gym. Liam didn't sit with us at lunch, he sat with Olivia, the girl he asked to prom. And it's not like i care, I mean I do but I done own him so he can ask whoever he wants to prom. As soon as we walked in we all saw Cole holding a sign. He was gonna promposal someone. Liam was just death glaring him. Whoever it was Cole was asking to prom, Liam wasn't approving of them. "Y/N!" I heard him yell from across the gym. Why did I have to be apart of this? "Y/n, you are the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes on." Oh no. Not Cole. If he hadn't been liams brother this wouldn't be so difficult. "And you make me laugh and I can't ever not look at you. So gem.... will you go to prom with me?" I could feel Liam staring at me and vida was jumping up and down. I didn't know what to say. "I.....I ...... ummm yes?!" He smiled and came up to me, I dogged his kiss and hugged him, he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled at him and the bell rang. Gym was starting. "Omg! Cole just asked you out y/n! Omg I'm so happy for you!" But all I could think is, why did it have to be Cole. Liam I can tell is pissed and idk what to do. "Yeah, thanks vi."
School was over and I walked to Coles car. He offered to drive me home cause vida picked me up but was busy and couldn't drive me home. "Hey Cole."   "Hey gem!" He kissed me on the cheek. "So, do you already have a dress? Cause I need a tux and our stuff needs to match."  "Yeah I do, here is a photo of it." He looked at it and smiled. "That looks great on you." I smiled and blushed. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. "Ok so, prom is this weekend, soo, I'll pick you up at your house ok? How about 5 since it starts at 7. We can go out for dinner and then go to prom. Sound ok?"   "That sound great." It honestly sounded really nice. And I couldn't wait for this weekend. He drove me home and I had to introduce him to my parents. "Mom, dad, meet Cole, he's my prom date." My mom looked at him. "Oh, you look really familiar, have we met?" She thought it was Liam, she was seeing Liam. "Umm no but you have met my brother Liam."  He looked a little discouraged but it was ok. "Ohh yes right. We if you're anything like him then we already love you!" He smiled hut I could tell he was hurt. I said goodbye and went to my room. I had so much homework and I was getting tired so I had to finish it quick, before I fell asleep.
The rest of the week was pretty much the same. Although Liam wouldn't talk to me, and every time I saw him looking at me and I looked at him he would look away or he would look at me with this look of hurt.
There were tons of people asking others to prom, and I laughed when Clancy asked our girls because they all rejected him. He couldn't get a single girl to go out with him. And for him this was new because all the girls were obsessed with him at Thurmond. He was a ladies man there but here, no one liked him. I almost felt bad for him. Vida and chubs were doing really good. I was afraid vida would be embarrassed to be seen with chubs since they are like two opposite people, but she was actually open about them being together and wasn't ashamed, even chubs was shocked by this. Cole started to sit with us at lunch and I felt bad. I felt like I was replacing Liam, with Cole. On Friday I tried to talk to Liam but he wouldn't listen. I finally had to corner him. "Liam please talk to me, ok I'm sorry." He looked at me. "If you were really sorry then why did you say yes in the first place." Wow. "Really? We weren't together in the first place, I can go with who I want. You asked out Olivia, so I'm not the only one in the wrong here." He laughed, " yeah well at least the girl I'm going with isn't someone your related to." And with that he left. "Liam I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry that it's your brother. I wanted to say no, because he is your brother." He turned around and our faces were inches away from each other. I could see him holding back the urge to kiss me. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. "Then why didn't you."   "Because I like him too." I said. I was shocked I admitted it. There was something about Cole, that made me like him. It wasn't cause he looked like Liam it's because he made me laugh and smile, even when I didn't want to. He stormed off. "Then I have nothing left to say to you." He said while storming off.
(Here is the dress)

(Here is the dress)

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