Im here for you

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(Please tell me if you guys would actually like me to continue this book.)
School was good. So far I was making good grades, had lots of friends, and all my teachers where really nice.

It was funny because prom wasn't till after winter break, but they were already putting up posters. It felt strange. At Thurmond all the highschoolers could go, but here it was only for juniors and seniors.

And It was weird to think that winter break was in like a month and a half, but kids were already asking each other out. "Ugh, another promposal. Come here y/n, you've gotta see this." Vida was dragging me forward in a crowd of student circling some boy with a poster and a girl in tears.

"You make me so happy ember, you stunning and make me laugh and just bring light to my world." He said it with a country accent, and she was dressed like a farm girl so I knew they were destined to be.

"Will you make me happy and go to the prom with me?" The girl,ember, broke down into tears. "Yes! Yes I would love too Stephan!!" They kissed until a teacher broke them up.

It was weird seeing kids in school getting promposals and then making out in front of everyone.

I walked into English and with no sight of Liam. "Chubs. Where is Liam?" He looked at me with sad eyes.

"First off its Charles. And second, idk. He hasn't been answering my text or calls. I'm really worried about him." I was concerned at this point. They were best-friends, so why would Liam ignore him?

"Thanks chu- I mean Charles." He nodded but kept his head down.

It went on like this for weeks. Maybe even a month. I would walk into class, no Liam, so me vida and chubs would talk. Us three became really close after what happened with Liam and Claire. And chubs even let me and vida call him chubs.
I couldn't go to school. Not for a while, so I did online. After what happened I beat myself up for not protecting Claire. I was a mess, and I could tell Cole was too. He kept to himself though and went to school. He made keeping it all together look so easy.

I wondered if mom blamed us. If y/n blamed me. Of course she didn't. She told you that stupid. I heard a small voice in the back of my head say. I needed to go to school. The world doesn't just stop. I needed to move on. Not forget. But move on.

I could do that. I had been ignoring everyone's massages. But there was one person I wasn't expecting, vida. Omg, vida. Zu was Claire's best friend and I hadn't even checked in on them.

God, I should have just texted people. I texted her asking how zu was. She said she was grieving, but was doing fine. She did but she also didn't comprehend what had actually happened.

I looked through chubs messages. They were mostly, you can get through this. I'm here if you need me. Are you doing ok? Please talk to me. Your scaring me. I knew I was scaring him so I gave him a call at lunch.

"Omg Liam! Omg are you ok, everyone has been worried." I was confused.

"Wait, who are you sitting with?"

He took a second to catch his breath. "I was sitting with y/n, vida, nico, and Jude but I saw you called and I ran before I could tell them, do you want me to go get them?"

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now