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I stayed up till 1 on FaceTime with Sam telling her about everything that was happening. I was asking her for advise for today and how I felt bad that I liked Liam and Cole both. "Dang you got both hotties? Leave some cute guys for the rest of us!" I couldn't help but laugh "it's not like that. Idk I like Liam, but I also have feelings for Cole, and I feel like I have since that day In the school parking lot when he was having a breakdown. It's so strange and idk what to do...". She hung up the phone. That's what she does when her parents walk in. So I just put my phone up and fell asleep. I woke up at 10 and me and vida had hair appointments at 3. So I decided to get up, get some breakfast and get ready.
Me and vida both got our hair done. She had her hair in a cute bun looking thing and I did mine in a bun like hers but the were different. We finished around 4 so we both had to head home and get changed. Cole picked me up at 5 like he said he would and we headed to Olive Garden. Since other kids from prom went there we had to wait a little while. We finished our dinner around 6:45 so we headed to the place they were holding prom at. We waiting in the parking lot just talking till it was time to go in. I saw vida and chubs right away and we went up to them. I could see chubs was mad that I was with Cole, not Liam. He was looking at me weird and has been all week. Was Liam saying bad things about me? I wanted to ask vida but I was afraid she would ask chubs. I was hanging around the drink table till I saw Liam making his way toward it towards me. I made a run for it and found Cole on the dance floor as a slow song came on. Me and him danced for a while to the songs until they turned off the slow songs and turned the more upbeat songs on. We danced around with vida and chubs for a good while. I honestly wished nico and Jude where there because I didn't really have anyone else to talk to. I made my way to the bathroom and tons of other girls were in there. Some doing their makeup, others looked like they had been hit by a bus and others were crying. I helped one of the girls. Apparently there was a misunderstanding and the boy she was supposed to go with asked another girl out. So she was dumped. We all tried to do her makeup so that she could show him what he was missing and she looked great. She walked out there and we all watched as she walked passed him and all he could do was stare at her. He then left the other girl to talk to her but she ignored him. Power move. I used the restroom after a long wait, washed my hands and went back out to the dance floor. "Where is Cole?!"    "What? I can't here you!"   "WHERE IS COLE?"  "OH I THINK HES SOMEWHERE TOWARDS THE FRONT!" I took her advise and headed to the front. I saw his head of hair and walked towards him. I put my hands around his middle and leaned on him. "Hey, Olivia your back. That was quick." Liam. He turned to face me and his face dropped. "Omg I'm sorry I was looking fo-."     "For Cole, yeah I know. I saw him head outside." And with that he turned away and went to look for I'm guessing Olivia. I walked outside and sure enough there was Cole. "Hey Cole. You ok?" I said as I sat down on the steps. "Yeah, just got into an argument with some other guys, that's all gem." After some time of sitting in silence I finally spoke up. "Why did you ask me, out of all the girls you could have gotten, why me?" He looked at me and I could see the panic in his face, and his voice got higher. " I already told you, you make me happy and your the prettiest girl I've ever seen."   "Cole I can see through your lies, so why?" He finally gave in after a couple of minutes of me just looking at him. "Fine.... lee told me how you guys weren't really talking, so I decided to ask you here as a way to be mean to him."   "What?" I felt my face heat. "But after some time I actually started to like you I swear!" Why would he do this! " IM NOT SOME PRICE TO BE WON!" He was getting angry now. But why was he angry?! How could he be I had every right to yell at him! "Just get in the car and we can talk about it then. Ok? I'm ready to go." Absolutely not. "I'll have vida take me home. I'm staying here." He was getting closer to me. "Get in the car y/n!"   "Cole step back I'm not getting in that car with you. I'm staying here." He kept getting closer. He was grabbing my hands and I couldn't get away. "Cole! Let go of me I want to stay! I'm not driving home with you anymore!!" I was starting to tear up. He wasn't listening, and I couldn't get out of his grasp. I felt someone pulling me back by my waist. "She said let her go Cole!" It was Liam. "She doesn't want to ride with you, so let her go! NOW!" Cole let go of my hands and stormed off to his car. I started to go back inside when he grabbed my hand "y/n what happened out here? Did he hurt you? Do you need a ride home?"   "I just want to be alone Liam!" But he wouldn't let go. "I'll drive you home if you need."   "I'll have vida take me I'm fine Liam!" He turned me toward him. "No your not, ok? He could have taken advantage of you! You lucky I was here to stop him." God he wasn't listening. "You could too right now! God you just as bad as him! You wont let me go! You aren't listening to what I want! I'll tell you when I'm ready Liam, and you don't get that! Just please let go of me." He did and I ran back into the building. I tried to find vida but it turns out she already left. So Liam drove me home. I was sitting in the silence of his backseat while him and Olivia talked in the front seat. Her house was closest so we dropped her off first. He took her to her door and said goodbye. When we got to my house he started to talk.
"Y/n please tell me what he did to you. If he hurt you please tell me." I was holding in tears now. The thought of him touching her made me so angry. "He told me that he took me as his date to make you mad. And when I got angry he told me we could talk it out on his car, and when I told him no he just kept getting closer and closer. And then he grabbed me and I couldn't get out of his reach. Liam I'm scared. I'm so so scared of what could have happened. I know he didn't mean to be like that but I.. I" she was crying and was practically choking. She wasn't getting air in. I climbed into the back seat and hugged her and just held her there. "Liam I didn't know what to do. He wasn't listening to me and he was just pulling me closer and closer to his car."   "I know y/n. But your ok now. I'm not him. If you want space I'll give you space. If you want to go I'll let you go. Just tell me what I need to do." She sat there and just cried. I finally grabbed her some tissues out of the front and cleaned up her face when she was done crying. "Ok I'm ready to go inside. Thank you. For everything tonight." I walked her up to her door and was going to give her a kiss on the cheek, but after everything that happened tonight, I didn't want to make her scared. I waited till she shut the door to finally make my way to my car and pull away. When I finally got home I found Cole on the porch crying. "Liam I can explain." He started to say. "No, you don't get to say anything. You really scared her tonight! You couldn't hurt her. That's all she thought when you wouldn't let go of her. She was scared of what would happens next because she couldn't protect herself from you! God you really are stupid! You know that right? Don't ever speak to her or lay a hand on her again! Do you hear me?!!" He was still crying. "I didn't mean to Liam. I was overwhelmed and didn't realize what I was doing to her. I didn't know that's what she was thinking! I swear I would have stopped if I had know!"  "DUDE! No means NO. you should have stopped at that! And that's just mean that you used her to get to me!" I hit him and he just let me. He was really ashamed of himself and he should have been. I started crying and I fell to the ground. After some time he finally said. "We both are so unstable." I just nodded as we both walked inside. "I won't tell mom and Harry, but you have to apologize to y/n and you promise to never speak or touch her again unless she speaks to you, or gives you consent? You hear me?" He nodded as he wiped at his eyes.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now