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I really wanted to kiss him in the car. I really did. But as soon as he went to lean in I panicked. I couldn't do it.

I don't know why I was such a chicken but I was and I always will be. And I know he was lying to me. I know my dad said something to him, he just didn't want to tell me.

Me and Liam are going to hang out again and I'm so excited. I think I'll kiss him tonight. Hopefully.
We decided on a small restaurant in town. It was the cutest place ever. They had a little gift shop in the front, it really was like it was out of a hallmark movie!

It was a colder day and it was drizzling out. I always hated cold days, and I don't know why. There was just something about them that was so sad. And the rain didn't help. Rain always made me sad.

But when I walked into the coffee shop I felt much better when I saw Liam sitting there. He always made me feel safe and loved.

He smiled at me when he first saw me. "Hey!" He waved me over. "Omg your soaking wet, and it's only drizzling what the hell happened?!" He said laughing his head off.

"Thanks! I walked here for your information. Now, have you ordered yet?" I asked him. "No I was waiting on you. I like just got here. I told her you would want a latte is that ok?"

He knew me better than me. "That's actually sounds perfect." I said. God it was so freaking cold in here.
I saw here shivering and gave her my leather jacket. "Here!" I said. She shoved it back at me. "No I'm good." I had to force it onto her. "Your cold and I'm not. Take it....or I will throw it away." She laughed at me.

"I'm smarter than that, I know you would never throw away your leather jacket!" She laughed but gave in. "Smells nice, like you." She said. And I could feel my cheeks getting red. "We should order!" I said to hide it.
We ate and talked for a good hour before we decided to head outside. We ran through the streets and to the park. We sat on a park bench soaking in the rain water.

He smiled at me. He got up and leaned against a tree and I followed. he pulled me in by the loops in my jeans. I was leaning in to kiss him when he tensed and pushed me to the side.

When I turned around, Kai was standing there. He had a bouquet of flowers. He was walking towards me. And I could see Liam was getting very angry and very fast.

"What are you doing here Kai?!" I asked him. "I'm here to apologize....I want a second chance y/n!" I heard him say. "clearly that chance is gone bud!" I heard Liam yell at him.

"Well by the looks of it she gave you one, so why not me?!" Liam moved closer so I grabbed his hand and linked our fingers together.

He stopped when he heard what Kai said next. "Wow! So what she said was true!" Liam looked at me hurt and I just looked down. "Shut up Kai!" I screamed.

"You are just like your brother! Over protective and loses his temper around the girl!"Kai said. Liam looked at our hands, and yanked his from mine. "Shut up! SHUT UP!" I heard myself say.

"Oh getting shy now are we? Me and you both know what I just said is true!" He spat. Liam took off at a jog in the other direction. "LIAM!" I screamed but he didn't turn back.

I walked up to Kai. And he held out the flowers. "You really do spoil everything in my life don't you! You have to take everything that makes me happy!!!" I said as I took the bouquet and hit him with it.

"Come on love. You know he never loved you like I could." He said in a calm voice. "Go rot Kai." And with that I took off after Liam.

I'm not sure where he was going, and I don't really think he did either. "Liam please! Listen to me!" He turned to face me. "Why should I?" He said. Loud enough that I barely heard it.

"are the things he said true?" He asked me after some time. "Your really gonna act like you never spoke bad about me!" I said to him.

"Yes! Because I never ONCE spoke bad about you! And she can back me up on that! Chubs and vida too!" He said to me. He started to turn when I spoke.

"Liam! Why are you getting so upset over this? This was half a year ago! I wouldn't say those thi-." He cut me off.

"Because I wanted you! After everything I never stopped loving you! When I was with Olivia I never really stopped loving you, I was distracted!" He said. A sob coming out of him.

I put my hand over my mouth, to stop myself from crying. It didn't work but it helped I guess. "Now I see it though. You will never love me as much as I love you." He said. Turning away from me.

"Liam! I-I- I know we aren't perfect.....we are far from it......but I've never felt this way for someone.....had these feelings for someone!" I said. The words stumbling out of my mouth.

"Felt what!" He yelled. He was furious and was starting to walk away from me. "I LOVE YOU!" I screamed out.

He tired around and started to walk back towards me. He leaned down to my height and he was out of breath. I thought he was going to say something like no you don't or don't ever say that to me! But I was taken by surprise.

He kissed me. It was passionate. When he pulled back, I didn't know what looked more wild. His eyes, or his hair from the rain. He was out of breath and so was I.

"I'm sorry Liam! I'm so sorry!" I said as I dropped to my knees. "I didn't mean those things! I was hurting and I didn't know how to cope! You had moved on and I felt like I was alone, and so the only other person I could think of to blame other than me, was you!" I said as the words fell out.

He sat down on a nearby bench and moved me close to him. "Hey hey....it's ok." He said shushing me. "And for the record, I'm supposed to say I love you first!" He mocked. I laughed in between cries.

"I love you y/n. I love you so so much.....so will you do the honor and be my girlfriend?" I looked at him in shock. "What?!" I said.

He gave me a look of are you serious? "I mean yes! Yes I will I will!" I said hoping to my feet. When he got up I kissed him. Leaving him breathless.

"You know darlin. You are the cutest thing ever!" He said. We walked back to his jeep and we went to my house.
What are we gonna tell chubs and vida!

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now