Summertime sadness

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(PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU GIYS LIKE IT SO FAR!!! And please tell me if you actually read these!)
I spend most of the first two weeks in my room sulking about missing Kai. "It's the summer, I should have gone to stay with him!" But I knew I couldn't. He had school. So I would just be waiting around for nothing.

I finally got out of my room after vida practically ripped my arm off "come on! We are going bathing suit shopping and then we are spending our summer at the beach!" I mean she wasn't wrong. We practically did spend everyday there.

She hauled chubs along with us. And I could tell he was uncomfortable. Not because of vida but because I was his best friend and he was watching me model bathing suits. Vida really wanted us to model them, and I think it would have been more enjoyable if chubs didn't come.

"You look great vida!" I saw him look at me "you do too y/n.." it was just awkward. "It's ok chubs. You don't have to compliment me!" He let out a breath he had been holding. He went to go get food so I could finally try on some bikinis. "Idk vida I'm not really a two piece girl."

She forced them into my arms so I tried them on. "Omg you look great in that!!" It was a pretty blue color. "I feel like it will go well under your green sundress!" She threw it at me and it did.
I spent most of the first few weeks Sulking at how lonely I would be for the rest of my summer. I spent it with chubs most of the time but since he and vida were together they spent it together a lot.

I tried to third wheel for a while but then y/n starting showing up, so I backed out. I didn't really have anyone to hang out with so I went to the beach, talked to girls from all over the states. It was nice to not have feelings for anyone. No strings attached.

I could hang out with and talk to whoever I wanted while at the beach since I didn't have a girlfriend to worry about or to be told I can't talk to a certain person. It was strange though. A year ago I met y/n here, and part of that made me sad to think of what we could've been if we didn't jump so fast into our relationship.
I was the Fourth of July and I spent it with chubs, vida, and Liam. I think this was the first time I actually talked to him since me and Kai started dating. We never talked just because of the history we had.

"Hey boo you got a message from someone ." I thought it would be Kai. We hadn't talked that much since he was always busy with his classes and tests. "Thanks I'll check it in a minute." I went to the ice cream shop to check it. They had the best reception and i was getting hot.

When I checked it, it wasn't Kai, but some girl named grace who messaged me on Instagram.

Grace: hey, I'm one of kai's friends from college. I saw Kai kissing another girl and I saw one of his posts of you two together and didn't know if you still were so I'm just making sure he's not doing something he shouldn't.

Y/n: hey yeah thank you for letting me know. Had this been going on for a while?

Grace: yeah about 2 weeks or so. Are you two still together? Do you want me to tell the girl?

Me: yes we are still together. You can tell the girl if you want. Just don't mention anything to him, I want to talk to him first. After that I'll let you know when you guys can go after him.

Grace: thanks, I'll make sure to beat him up for you, and oh, make sure you tell his mom, make her extra disappointed in him!
I called him to confront him. "Is it true that you've been hanging out and kissing another girl?"
"Look I can't handle the stress right now ok? We're over. I just can't deal with this."
He hung up on me. Can't deal with the stress of what, talking about what he did was wrong? "Vida,
Chubs and Liam all walked in laughing, but when vida saw me crying she shoved them out.

See you again. [Reader x Liam Stewart from the darkest minds.]Where stories live. Discover now