Chapter 2

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The next morning

After a sleepless night, Parisa decided to get out of bed and make some breakfast. She wondered to her daughter's room knocking on the door, then she screamed at the sight of an adult woman in her daughter's bed.

The young woman jumped in fright at the loud sound, she looked to her mother at the door and smiled.

"Hi mama, why did you scream?" said the sleepy girl, Parisa paled looking at the girl.

"M-Morticia, what, I, huh" she was so overwhelmed she ended up fainting, Morticia jumped up and ran to her mother.

"Mama, mama wake up. Are you okay?" She shook the unconscious woman, said woman started to wake up and saw her now older daughter looking down at her.

"Sweetheart, go look in the mirror" the girl shrugged her shoulders doing as her mum told her, what she didn't expect was to see an older girl looking right back at her.

"Mama, what happened to me? I'm not little anymore" she said shakily still looking at her new self.

"I don't know darling, why don't we go have some breakfast" at the mention of breakfast the young girl ran out the room and to the kitchen waiting patiently.

Once breakfast was served, they both sat in silence not knowing what to say.

"Mama can we go see Mikey and Constance today please?" The woman stopped eating and looked at her daughter, what would Constance say about this? What if the same thing happened to Michael?

All these questions clouded her mind until she heard Morticia's voice.

"Ugh I don't know honey, maybe not today" that answer made the girl pout.

"But why mama, I wanna see Mikey mama pleeeeease" she begged her mother.

"I said no Morticia, people would start questioning as to why my 8 year old daughter grew up a decade over night. No way is that happening, end of story. Now I'll need to go shopping for some clothes and what not today, I want you to stay home you understand me. Do not leave this house until I get back" Parisa said sternly, Morticia sighed sadly nodding her and eating her cereal.

5 days layer

Morticia has been spending the past 5 days getting used to being older, it's been difficult for both mother and daughter but only time will tell.

Parisa is still finding it hard to cope with the fact that she now has a teenage daughter. The woman could tell that her daughter was missing Michael, but what would Constance say if she saw Morticia the way she is.

Right now Morticia is in her room drawing when she heard her mother calling for her, quickly getting up she made her towards her mother.

"Yes mum" she said looking at her mother.

"I got a call from Constance the other day, she told me that the same thing happened to Michael. And I heard that he's been missing you terribly, and so have you. So I was thinking we could go over today, how does that sound?" the younger girls eyes widened and she squealed happily hugging her mum.

"Oh thank you mum, I'm going to go get dressed" with that said she ran to her room picking out an outfit.

"Oh thank you mum, I'm going to go get dressed" with that said she ran to her room picking out an outfit

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Once she was ready she ran down the stairs to see her mother waiting for her. She couldn't help but feel the excitement run through her body, she was going to see her best friend.

They got to the front door and knocked, the door opened and there stood Constance. She looked at Morticia in shock, not before smiling at the women.

"Oh Morticia darling look at you, you look so much like your father. Come in both of you" for some reason Morticia was nervous, what if he doesn't like how she looks? Would they still be friends?

"Don't worry darling, he's just as nervous. Althouh he hasn't stopped bugging me for the past 5 days to go see you" Constance stated to the nervous looking girl, she then called for Michael.

A few seconds later and they could hear rushing footsteps, then a tall blonde boy came into sight. Both teenagers looked at each other with wide eyes, but that didn't stop them from hugging each other tightly.

"Mikey I missed you so much!!" She exclaimed happily, she almost felt like crying that's how much she missed him.

"I missed you so so much Ticia!!" The young boy yelled hugging the girl even tighter. The blonde women stood there watching them.

"Did you call him?" Parisa asked the older woman.

"I did, he'll be here soon. When he does we'll stay down here and wait" they nodded to each other and looked back at the teenagers.

"Hey I got some cool games, do you wanna come play with me?" Michael asked excitedly.

"Oo games, let's go" said the girl while being pulled up the stairs to his room.

After 15 minutes of the children playing games, there was a knock at the door. Constance opened the door for the man.

"Come in, please. They're upstairs" she walked the man to her grandsons room.

"Michael, Morticia. There's someone I would like you to meet, this is Father Peters, he's going to help you" with that she closed the door and walked away.

For the next 5 minutes Father Peters was speaking Latin, while he was speaking both teenagers felt a stinging pain. It got worse the longer he went, Morticia saw the look of hurt on Michael's face and got angry at the man who was hurting him.

She felt this weird feeling go through her body and a pain in her mouth, she felt powerful. She stood up grabbing the man by his neck, he stopped speaking and looked at the young girl bewildered. She pushed him against the wall, opening her mouth she sunk her teeth into his neck. Biting down she ripped his throat out, then felt this hungry feeling flow through her at the sight of blood.

Morticia spat out the chunk of flesh, then latched her mouth to the bleeding area and started drinking the red liquid. Michael was just sitting there watching the ordeal, not at all fazed by his best friends actions.

The young girl loved the taste of the blood, she couldn't get enough of it. Once Morticia was finished she dropped the body with a thump, she turned around to look at her best friend. His eyes widened seeing the girls face, he noticed how different she looked. But her normal face started to appear but the blood dripping down her face stayed.

"Woah, that was awesome Ticia" he praised the bloody girl.

"I don't know what came over me, I felt pain and I saw that you were hurting which made me angry. When I drank his blood felt right like I was meant to do that" she stated sitting next to the blonde boy.

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