Chapter 24

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The sound of heels were all the others could hear, they grew nervous and excited at who it could be. When the visitors came into view, everyone was stunned at the beautiful sight.

A man with long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and the face of a god. Then there was the woman next to him, she had long black hair, striking blue eyes and facial features girls would kill for. They looked mysterious, which made them more intimidating.

Michael and Morticia made their way to the fire place, where Ms Venable stood. The hybrid woman looked at the lady, she made her eyes go red for a second making the woman move away quickly.

"My name is Langdon and this is my partner Ms Black and we represent the Cooperative. I won't sugarcoat the situation, humanity is on the brink of failure. My arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on Earth, the three other compounds in Syracuse, New York, Beckley, West Virginia, San Angelo and Texas have been overrun and destroyed" Michael stated proudly keeping his head high,

"We've had no contact from the 6 international outposts, but we are assuming that they, too, have been eliminated" Morticia stated when a boy with brown hair spoke up.

"What happened to the people inside?"

"Massacred" the woman said bluntly with no emotion, making the air become tense.

"The same fate that will befall almost all of you" Michael spoke up.

"Almost all" a quiet girl spoke up  Morticia's eyes widen slightly seeing the young witch. She would tell Michael later.

"In the knowledge that this very moment might occur, we built a failsafe. The Sanctuary" The look on Michael's face showed just how proud he was.

"The Sanctuary?" Someone asked

"The Sanctuary is unique, it has certain measures that will prevent overrun"

"Excuse me, Ma'am, What measures? Why weren't we given them" The breath in Morticia's throat got caught but she concealed herself quickly.

"That's classified. All that matters is that the Sanctuary will....survive, so the people populating it will survive, so humanity will survive" the black haired girl spoke clearly.

"Who are the people populating it?"

"Also classified. However, Ms Black and I have been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join. The cooperative has developed a particular and vigorous questioning technique we like to call "cooperating" we will then use the information gained to determine if you belong" looks of confusion and hope spread through the room as Michael spoke.

"What is this, The Hunger Games?! This is bullshit. I paid my way in here and that is the only cooperating I plan on doing" Coco exclaimed standing up. Morticia scoffed at the audacity of this bitch, who is also another one of Cordelia's witches.

"You don't have to sit for questioning my dear" said the woman.

"What happens if we don't want to?" Andre asked the couple.

"Then you can stay here and die" Michael stated annoyed, then he continued.

"But I do have an easier way out instead of waiting for feral cannibals to come and eat you alive" he took out a vial of white pills showing it to the group. Morticia continued.

"Just take one of these pills and you drift into a sleep that you'll never wake from" a blonde man, Gallant, raised his hand.

"I volunteer to go first"

"And so you shall, I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you" with that the couple walked to their office without another word.

Michael sat in his chair, while Morticia sat on the front of the desk waiting for Mr Gallant to arrive. Who instantly arrived, the woman could hear, smell and read the lust coming from him. It made her sick but she understood why, Michael is the hottest man to ever live  even before the blast.

Mr Gallant took the seat next to Morticia and looked at the expectantly.

"So how's this work?" He suddenly spoke up.

"We're not gonna tell you what criteria we're using to grade you, things you may feel are helpful, may be hurtful. Things you may feel will compel rejection may be exactly what we are looking for" Michael said not taking his eyes away.

"So I can't game the system?" Gallant asked, making the girl speak up leaning towards the man and looking him dead in the eyes.

"If you hedge, we will know. If you lie, we will know. And if you even think to trick us, we will know, and this interview will be over, and you will die here painfully. Are we clear Gallant?" She spoke sternly, making him gulp nodding his head.

"What is your sexual orientation?" Michael asked.

"I'm gay, but I fucked a girl before in high school, and I finished and everything. She did, too. I think, it's harder to tell with girls" the last part nearly made Morticia laugh but she had to stay emotionless.

"I'm and I'm just saying I could do that, you know, for-for procreation, if I have to" Gallant stated waving a hand around.

"We have techniques for harvesting genetic material, we still need a woman's womb to incubate the fetus, for now, but ability to impregnate some poor girl isn't needed" Michael looked to Morticia to continue, she stood up and walked behind the blonde man resting her hands on his shoulders.

"Tell me about your anger....tell me about that grandmother of yours" she whispered near his ear.

"Why would you put those two things together?" He asked confused, but the girl knew it was fake so he answered truthfully.

"Okay, I hate her fucking guts" the woman smirked at this answer.

"Good" she replied, but she suddenly felt a wave of nausea before she could continue. She looked at Michael before speaking to him through her mind.

Love I'm going to need you to continue this without me, I'm not feeling too well

What is it? Are you okay?

I'm fine baby, just continue and I'll see you after

With that she dissapeared into the shared bathroom in their room, she leant over the toilet violently vomiting.

When she was finally done, she flushed the toilet and brushed her teeth. Sighing she leant over the bathroom sink, thinking as to why she could be sick. Was it the blood she had earlier? Was it bad? No she would've known if it was, then what cou-shit.

Eternal Life______Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now