Chapter 22

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Day of the bombs

Its been a year since that day and a lot has happened since then. Michael and Morticia had succeeded with the plans to bomb the world, they spent numerous days in meetings, finding outposts for specific people to stay in and a place for the final people to come to afterwards. Morticia came up with the name, The Sanctuary.

That's not the only thing that's changed, the couple themselves have changed. Michael has grown out his hair a little past his shoulders, his face has matured and he is more confident....he was a man. Morticia has grown even more beautiful in time, her hair is past her waist, her body and face has matured well. She's officially a woman.

The couple have grown as a couple, they've fallen even more in love with each other as time goes by. Though they are still engaged, they've been too busy to have a wedding. So they've decided to have one once everything is over, and they also hope to start a family in the new world. Also during that time, Morticia's father came to visit quite often. Which was good for both of them, Abaddon was very proud at what his daughter had achieved. He also plans to live in The Sanctuary, so he can be closer to Morticia.

Right now the couple are in their office in The Sanctuary, watching the bombs getting launched.

"You ready to start a new, my love?" Michael asked his beautiful fiance.

"Of course, we've been waiting for this moment for a long time now" she paused turning around to look at her sexy ass lover, then she continued.

"I just can't wait until it's all over and we can get married, start a family of our own. We can start a new life together, the way we want it to go" they both smiled at each as they held each other close.

"I can't wait either baby, we can have little versions of me and you running around, causing chaos and I'll get to marry the love of my life. Sounds like a dream come true, perfect even" the blonde man whispered leaning his way towards her lips. Slowly they kissed each other just as the bombs were launched, their love for each other pouring into their kiss.

They pulled away resting their heads against each other, silently holding each other right.

"We have to get ready to leave for the first outpost" Morticia mumbled into his chest.

"Well our things are ready, once we get the all clear we can leave" he pulled away and walked to the wall of windows in the office, he stared at the outside world. Morticia came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I miss her" she spoke softly, Michael knew what she was talking about. Sighing sadly he rested his hands on top of hers.

"I miss her too, my love. But you know why we had to do it, don't you"

"I do, it's just we had only just gotten her back and then we had to wipe her memories and send her to Outpost 3" they continued staring out the window and Michael spoke up.

"Soon my darling, we'll get her back. You'll see"

18 months later-Outpost 3

After spending months doing interviews with the other outposts, finally they only had one left, Outpost 3.

They were already in their carriage, on their way. Morticia could see through the small window or what the outside world looks like, dead bodies everywhere, buildings torn down, fire and dirt. She would occasionally see people who had somehow made it through the blast, but the woman knew that they wouldn't last long.

They felt the carriage come to a halt, getting out the saw two people in black suits walk towards us. The couple held up their badges of identification

"We need to speak to Ms Venable" Michael spoke.

"Yes Sir Mr Langdon, Ms Black" Miriam replied standing back to let them through.

"Tend to the animals" Morticia called out.

After getting themselves acquainted to their room, they got ready for the meeting.

"Ready my love" Michael said in his velvety voice, his hand outstretched to the woman.

"Always baby" and off they went, Morticia couldn't help but feel nostalgia when walking into the boys academy, now called Oupost 3. So many memories were made in this place.
They walked into the woman's office and saw her standing, waiting for the couple.

"Wilhemina Venable, I'm in charge here" she spoke proudly. Morticia chuckled at the stupid woman.

"Of course you are dear" she spoke tilting her head slightly, the red head woman turned to her.

"You don't sound like you believe me"

"Why wouldn't we?" Michael answered.

"Seems like you've done a wonderful job, the walls are still standing, your people are alive and healthy" he stated aloud looking around the office, Morticia continued.

"Which is....quite a feat, considering" the woman leant against the wall watching Ms Venable's body language.

"Considering?" She questioned.

"That three more Outposts have been overrun, and the remaining three won't last a year" he replied turning to look at the woman.

"Why are you both here?" Morticia stood up straight and walked over to Michael.

"Because it's only a matter of time before the same thing happens to you" she paused then started walking closer to Ms Venable.

"The good news is there's another facility, a sanctuary. This one's completely impregnable and stocked with enough supplies to last a decade" when she finished the woman noticed that the look of hope spread over Ms Venable's face.

"You're here to take us there?" She asked hopefully.

"We've been assigned to evaluate the people here and select the ones most worthy of survival. We could take all of you....or none of you. Those who make it, live. Those who don't....." Michael stopped and wrapped an arm around Morticia's waist.

"End up like our horses" she finished saying with a wicked smirk, making the older woman feel uneasy.

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