Chapter 25

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Positive......that's what was read on the test, she was pregnant. Morticia fucking Black is having a baby, it's not that she didn't want one, she just wanted to wait until all this shit was over.

She hadn't noticed she was staring at the test for so long, until she felt hands rest on her shoulders. She jumped and looked in the mirror to see Michael looking at her worried.

"Darling, is everything alright? Did you find out why you're sick?" He asked worridly, the girl took a deep breathe and turned to him with the test in her hand. She handed it to him and waited for his response. He looked at the stick for a few seconds, before looking at Morticia.

Suddenly she felt herself getting picked up and twirled around.

"You're pregnant, I'm going to be a father" he exclaimed happily and placed kisses all over her face, to which she replied with a giggle.

"Yes, we're going to be parents. Although I was hoping to wait until we got back home but I guess we can't control something like this" she laughed, the woman looked into his eyes and saw tears.

"Why are you crying darling" she whispered wiping them away, he grabbed her hand kissing the palm.

"I'm fine my love, I'm just happy that we're going to have a mini version of either me or you. Although it is scary, that me of all people is gonna be a dad but still, I can't wait" Michael rubbed his nose against Morticia's and kissed her forehead.

"You're going to be an amazing dad, I know it" she smiled softly, looking into his glistening eyes.

"So how did the interview go?" She asked making the man groan, as they walked to their bed.

"He's annoying, I sent an illusion of someone in that rubber suit to his room and of course he'll think it's me" he sighed falling backwards onto the bed.

"He may be annoying my love, but just take it easy. You'll stress yourself out too quickly, luckily for you if you're ever stressed I have a solution that always works" she quirked a brow at the blonde who smirked.

"Well I'll make sure to take you up on that offer, unfortunately Emily and Timothy have a plan to come in here and look for the truth. So how about we get out of here and take a walk, we need to interview Ms Venable" he suggested taking her hand and leading them out the door.

"Wait before we do, there's something I need to tell you" Morticia spoke carefully, knowing that when she tells him the news, he's going to be pissed.

"What is it darling?"

"When we were in the library, you remember that quiet girl who spoke up? Well.....she's one of the witches I saw with Cordelia that day....and Coco....she's also one of Cordelia's" she spoke hesitantly, she could see the anger on his face.

"They're alive....what, how? I thought we killed them all-" his lover cut him off quickly.

"Michael, stay calm okay. They're under an identity spell, they don't know they're witches. We need to stay calm, I have a plan. But for now we need to have that interview with Venable" with a heavy sigh he nodded and stood up grabbing her hand.

The couple walked into the office to see the woman fixing the cushion and seat.

"You have a gift for making the ugly look presentable" Michael stated leaning against the stair case, Ms Venable chuckled softly.

"Order on the outside does wonders to keep the chaos safely on the inside" she replied looking at the pair, Morticia then walked up to the woman.

"I'm on to you, now correct me if I'm wrong but....I see you've created your own rules in here. I understand why, I'm sure it was impossible to resist the temptation of making the place over in your imagine. Especially when you thought that no one who knew any better would ever be around to notice" Ms Venable answered quickly.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about" she said making the girl scoff.

"Oh please, complete abstinence? Punishable by summary of execution?" Morticia pushed seeing the woman get frustrated by the second. Michael walked up next to the hybrid girl.

"I received my orders in an encrypted communiqué from The Co-op before all communication lines went down" she argued back making the blonde walk forward.

"Do you have it?" He wondered.

"No, I do not. The orders were to destroy it after I read it"

"Odd. I was instrumental in drafting all of the directives in regards to the running of the outposts" Michael stated in fake confusion.

"And nothing would be more humiliating to a man such as yourself than to learn that a woman had more information than he did" Morticia smirked at the woman's reply and walked closer to Michael.

"A man such as himself?" she said moving her hand down to his crotch squeezing it slightly. The red headed woman looked at them in disgust.

"Him.....and others. Masters of the universe, titans of industry.....swinging your dicks around so much that you managed to blow the whole world to hell" she spat out, making Michael smile.

"You're a fighter, I like that about you" he ushered Morticia to come over to him, she walked over and sat on his lap as he rested a hand on her stomach.

"I'm just doing my best with the mess men made of things" Ms Venable replied turning around to face them.

"Maybe that's what was needed around here, hmm? So improvisation" Morticia spoke not looking at the woman.

"I'm gonna give you some important information instead, you're the leader in here. You need to understand what's at stake, what's really going on out there" Michael explained pointing to the seat next to the couple.

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