Chapter 3

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Same day

It had been half an hour since Father Peters had arrived, the women were starting to get worried because they couldn't hear anything. They both decided to take a look and see what was going on.

They did not anticipate seeing the Father laying on the floor, his throat missing and all the blood was gone except what was on the floor. The sight alone nearly gave them a heart attack, Parisa looked at her daughter to see blood on her mouth and neck.

"Morticia, what have you done?" She gasped out, the young girl just looked at her mum smiling then going back to the game. Parisa looked at Constance in fright before turning back to her daughter.

"Okay I think we need to go home Morticia"

"Aww but mama, we've hardly been here that long" Morticia whined sadly holding Michael's hand.

"Now Morticia" her mother said sternly, with a sigh the girl stood up and hugged Michael tightly.

"When we get home, go take a shower and head straight to bed. We'll talk about this tomorrow" then they walked in silence.

The next morning

Morticia woke up feeling hungry, not for food though. She got out of bed and made her way to the kitchen, the young adult saw her mother holding a mug. She could smell the scent of blood, her mouth watered.

Parisa looked up to see her daughter with a hungry look, knowing what it was she handed the mug to the girl. She guzzled down the red substance, feeling content she wiped her mouth clean smiling.

The girl saw that her mother wasn't smiling back, frowning she walked to her mum curiously.

"Mama, what's wrong?" The woman sighed sadly.

"We need to talk about what happened yesterday, what you did wasn't right Morticia" she huffed angrily at her daughter.

"Mama I didn't mean to, he was hurting Michael and me with Latin words. I felt a pain in my mouth, then i bit into him like it was normal. Then I smelt his blood and I couldn't help myself" Morticia admitted confused as to why her mother was so upset.

"This shouldn't be happening, you killed yet another human. That's not good Morticia, you can't just go around killing people" Parisa raised her voice, Morticia started to feel her blood boil.

"Well it's not like I wanted to, its like something made me do it. I didn't mean to kill the babysitter or the priest, like I said he was hurting Mikey and so I did what I thought i had to do" the girl yelled angrily at her mum.

"Do not raise your voice at me young lady, you should know better than to hurt innocent animals and people"

"It's not my fault, I'm only a little girl-" she was cut off by her mother yelling.

"NO YOU'RE NOT A LITTLE GIRL, WHAT YOU DID WAS HORRIBLE. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER THAN TO KEEP SUCH A MONSTER OF A CHILD" that made the young girl gasp wide eyed, something inside her snapped.

She could feel her fangs come through, her face started to morph into her demon face. She noticed her nails start to get longer and her fingers started to turn black.

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore mother" Morticia spoke in such a deep and demonic voice it honestly frightened the older woman.

Her mind went fuzzy, she didn't know what she was doing. But she isn't she feels even more powerful and it feels amazing. She smirked wickedly at her mother and stalked her way towards her, like a lion to its prey. She pounced shoving a hand through Parisa's chest making the woman gasp.

"P-please Morticia, i-im sorry. Don't d-do t-this" she stuttered out, but the girl didn't listen she just smiled and suddenly ripped her beating heart out. The woman's body collapsed to the ground with a thud, she bit into the heart and moaned at the taste.

She felt a presence behind her, Morticia turned to see her best friend standing there looking at you. She went to say something but she felt an excruciating pain go through her head and back, it felt as though her back was being ripped to shreds.

Her felt as though someone was shoving knives through her head, she fell to the ground screaming in pain. Michael ran to her side and in pain, it's like he could feel her pain.

"Ticia what's wrong? What's happening to you?" He asked feeling scared for his best friend. The blonde boy put a hand on her back, but jumped back when he felt something sticking out. He saw black feathers ripping through her shirt, tears appeared in both their eyes.

Morticia screamed louder feeling her skin rip open, she clawed at her bloody shredded back and pulled out a feather.

"Mikey what the hell is happening to me, I'm so scared" she cried grabbing hold of his hand squeezing it.

She let out one last scream before a whooshing noise was heard, the pain was suddenly gone. The young girl breathed out in relief and started to stand up, she fell against the kitchen table feeling weight on her back. Gaining her balance she stood straight, turning around she saw Michael staring at her in awe.

 Gaining her balance she stood straight, turning around she saw Michael staring at her in awe

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(A/N her horns don't look like this, they're shorter)

"You have wings and horns, your face has look beautiful" he whispered placing a hand on my face while looking at the beauty in front of him.

Morticia turned to see she indeed had black feathery wings, she raised her hands to her head and felt horns protruding through her skull. Gasping she backed away from the boy.

"Stay away from me, i-im a monster. I killed my mother" said the crying girl trying to get away.

"No Ticia you're not a monster, you're the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. You didn't mean to kill her okay, You're still my best friend Ticia no matter who you are or what you look like" he slowly walked towards me bringing me into his arms, her tense body relaxed into his embrace.

"Thank you Mikey" she whispered, it felt as though she was going back to herself. Her horns dissapeared, her wings retracted into her back and her face went back to normal. The black headed girl snuggled closer to the boy, they held each other close not planning on letting go.

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