Chapter 29

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Masquerade Ball

It was the night of the Ball, Morticia told Michael of the plan but that's all she spoke to him about. He knew he stepped over the line and now he's paying for it. Even though she's still upset with him, the young woman misses him. She misses his cuddles, his kisses and his voice. But she had to teach him a lesson.

Right now she was getting ready for the Ball, she picked out a beautiful red dress.

Right now she was getting ready for the Ball, she picked out a beautiful red dress

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She was doing her hair and make up, when Michael walked in and saw her.

"You look stunning my love" he said, looking at his gorgeous fiance. She couldn't help but smile at his words.

"Thank you darling" looking into the mirror, she smiled at him. Morticia turned and walked towards him. She looked at his face, but his neck caught her attention. He was wearing a silk scarf to hide the bruising, frowning she pulled it away. Her eyes widened at the black and blue bruises.

"Oh god, I did this to you" she gasped, it suddenly dawned on her just how out of control she had been.

"Ticia it's fine, I understand you were upset-" but she cut him off, shaking her head.

"No Michael, I always promised that I would never hurt you. And look what I did, I did the one thing I told myself never to do" by now tears had formed in the woman's eyes. She felt horrible, ashamed even.

"Darling please don't cry, you were angry. What I did shouldn't have happened, please don't be so hard on yourself" he whispered wiping away her salty tears.

"You know I love you Mikey, so much"  she replied looking into his eyes, she didn't see anger in his eyes, no, she saw nothing but love.

"I love you too Ticia" he pulled the girl into his arms, sighing be closed his eyes in content. He missed having her in his arms, even if it was for 24 hours.

"By the way, I love your new hair" Morticia pulled back with a watery smile.

"Thank you, Gallant surprised me with it. Anyway, as much as I like being in your arms, I need to go to the Ball. But I'll be back in no time" she fixed her make up, while Michael smiled at her from behind.

"Of course my love, be careful though. I'll be waiting in my office for you and Gallant" before she left, they shared a quick but very much needed tender kiss. Then she left for the Ball.

Making her way down the hallway, she saw all the others dancing and chatting. Morticia placed her mask over her eyes and walked in, the attention of everyone was now on her. They all gawked at the woman, she looked beautiful.

Gallant was the first to speak up.

"Well don't you look lovely, Miss Black" he said respectfully.

"Thank you Mr Gallant, you all look wonderful. Now don't let me stop your fun, please continue" with that she walked over to her new friend and they started a conversation.

The young woman had noticed that the apples had been brought out, she smiled internally knowing that the plan will commence soon.

"Will you accept a dance with me, Milady?" Gallant asked dramatically bowing, the woman laughed and curtsyed just as dramatic.

"Of course kind Sir" she placed a hand in his and they started dancing. For the first time in months, Morticia forgot about the plan and about the witches. She was solely focused on the stress free fun she was having.

While dancing, Morticia noticed a cloaked figure walk over to Coco. She knew exactly who it was and what would happen to her. Even though Coco thought it was Michael, she couldn't help but show a small but dark smirk at the thought of the annoying bitches awaiting doom.

Eventually, it was that time of night. The apple bobbing. Morticia leant towards Gallant.

"Okay, just remember to make sure you don't bite into the apple. I have the good one with me, so when you get one I'll swap your's. When you bite into your's, pretend that you've been poisoned, okay" she whispered back, the blonde man nodded. It was then his turn, he looked to Morticia smiling and walked to the apple filled bucket.

Seconds later, he stood up and was holding an apple by its stem. Morticia let out a breathe she didn't knowing she was holding, the young woman clapped as Gallant walked over to her. She looked around to see if anyone was looking, luckily Ms Venable and Ms Mead weren't looking.

Quickly, she gave Gallant the good apple while he gave her the poisoned one. As they stood there waiting to bite into their apples, Ms Venable spoke up.

"We give thanks to the Cooperative for this blessed fruit and the bounties they have bestowed upon us. Shelter from the nuclear storm and the savagery that threatens our borders. Our humanity. It is time to enjoy our good fortune, you have your treat" with that everyone, excluding Morticia, bit into their apples eagerly.

Morticia had moved out of sight, watching her plan work it's magic. One by one everyone started feeling sick, a wicked smirk spread across the young womans face.

Everyone started to cough, gag and vomit. The two older woman watched from above, smiling that 'their' plan was working. After a few minutes, everyone was dead. Blood and vomit littered the floor, along with the now dead bodies. Once she knew the women had left, she made her move.

Morticia walked over to where Gallant had 'died', placing a hand on his back indicating for him that the coast was clear. He stood up dusting off his suit.

"Phew, man that was really gross to watch" he chuckled, the young hybrid smiled at him.

"Yes it was, now I need you to go to mine and Michael's room. Don't worry he won't do anything to you, I need to stay here and finish something. I'll be there soon" she said softly nudging him down the hallway and watched him leave.

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