Chapter 19

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After what happened in the church, Madeleine brought the two teens to a potluck dinner that they were holding. People swarmed the couple like vultures to a dead carcass, everyone was speaking at once making them uncomfortable.

Michael and Morticia were sitting at a table surrounded by people and food, the young girl sat back and watched Michael eat, she could tell that he was uncomfortable making her giggle.

"Is it too spicy?" Madeleine asked the boy hesitantly.

"No, it's good" he replied, Hannah loudly spoke up raising her hands-on the air.

"Thank the Dark Lord, its my mother's recipe. Why aren't you eating anything?" She asked the quiet girl making everyone minus Michael to look at her.

"Ugh well I don't exactly eat normal food" Morticia stated while the humans looked at her confused. She covered her mouth and nose because she could smell everyone's blood, which she hasn't had in five days.

"Then what do you eat? Whatever you need we'll get it" the lady said, Morticia looked at Michael who was trying not to laugh.

"Well by the smell of your blood, you're O negative. Funnily enough that's my favourite type"she smirked looking at the lady.

"Y-You want my blood?"

"Only if you're offering" Morticia shrugged making the boy next to her to snort, the woman nodded her head grabbing a knife and slit her arm open. The young girls eyes widen.

"If you don't want to be sucked dry and die, I suggest you put it in a glass" she suggested, grabbing a glass the woman filled it to the brim with her blood and handed it to the girl. Morticia took a sip and smiled, her eyes going black then back to normal.

"Nice and fresh, just the way I like it. Thank you" everyone then bombarded Michael, trying to get him to try their food.

"Let the kids eat, or is something wrong?" Madeleine said looking at the couple.

"I just think everyone should do what you normally do, have fun. Enjoy your Wednesday potluck dinner like always" he replied looking around.

"You heard him, our guests of honour eat at their own pace" finally everyone left them alone to eat and drink.

"Though I personally vouch for the spinach lasagna, it would be the honour of my life to watch you eat it" Madeleine spoke, Morticia almost choked on the blood seeing Michael's face.

"So what happens next?" she asked, the young girl spoke up first.

"Probably your wonderful lasagna" she spoke making the woman laugh.

"No, I meant on the global annihilation front. What do we do first? When do we do it?"

"I'm not sure" Michael shrugged, the woman looked at him confused.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" Madeleine asked the blonde boy.

"I don't know what to do, where to begin"

"But you're the Anti-Christ" she stated, Morticia could feel Michael's frustration.

"Which people won't let me forget. Everyone keeps say I'm special, that I'm the only one who can bring the end-times, but nobody gave me a fucking instruction manual. And one of the people who always helped me, who I could always turn to for advice, she gone now" he exclaimed angrily, Morticia stood up quickly grabbing onto him.

"Darling calm down, it's okay" she hushed into his ear pulling him to sit back down, her touch calming him down.

"I only have Morticia left" he started to cry making the girls dead heart sink. She grabbed his head and kissed it softly making his arms wrap around her.

"Oh, i-i think there's some people you need to see" Madeleine finally spoke up grabbing Morticia's attention.

"Who?" She asked, the woman grabbed her hand smiling lightly.

"Just trust me, we are on the precipice of oblivion Michael, Morticia. Now is not the time to bury yourself in doubt. This person who helped you, what was her name?" She asked, Michael raised his head sniffling.

"Ms Miriam Mead" just hearing the name makes the young girl go teary eyed and a lump form in her throat.

"We have access to private search engines that can find anyone" the older woman explained typing into her phone before showing them the screen.

"And.....there she is. We'll just go and pick her up" Morticia shook her head sadly.

"It's not possible, we're not powerful enough to bring her back. Not anymore, at least" Michael spoke playing with his food, Morticia finished his sentence.

"Sh-she's dead" she whispered placing her head on her lovers shoulder.

"Dead? That's something we can work around" Madeleine stood up and crouched down to look at Michael and Morticia.

"You're the son of Satan and your Michael's Queen, there is no one or no thing you both cannot have" she spoke sparking interest in the pair.

A/N Sorry this is a short chapter

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