Chapter 33

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2 weeks later

The Sanctuary

A lot has happened in the past two weeks, everyone was glad to have their leaders back in one piece. Gallant is loving his new life, free of anger and judgment, but full of love, care and freedom. Though the couple have been in a lot of meetings, which had been tiresome.

But after two years of waiting, Michael and Morticia have planned to finally get married.

Morticia got woken up early that morning by none other than.....Mr Gallant. He pretty much made Michael sleep in the guest room, saying it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride. They decided to have a very small private wedding, Gallant would be Michael's best man, while Morticia had Hilary, who she befriended when she got back.

"Wake up, wake up. You're getting married todayyyyy. Now of course I'm going to be doing your hair and Hilary will do your make up, but first you need to eat and while you do that I'm going to draw a vanilla scented bath, okay, okay good" he rushed out to the sleepy girl.

Her brain still hadn't processed all the information, but Gallant didn't give her time to before he yanked her out of bed and into the kitchen. Where her personal chef was cooking her favourite, French toast.

"Now you sit and enjoy your breakfast, once you're done go have your bath" with that the hyper man skipped away, Morticia just shook her head at the man, now focusing on her food. She thanked the chef and dug in.

"Goood Morning Mrs Langdon" a happy Hilary sung, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh dear, what are you and Gallant on. First he yanks me out of bed bossing me around and now you're coming in all happy. I haven't even processed what time it is" the young woman mumbled, stuffing a piece of syrupy toast in her mouth.

"Oh hush now, it's only 8 in the morning. Plus it's your wedding day, you should be excited" Hilary squealed, sitting next to the woman.

"I had planned to be excited at 9 o'clock, not 8" she grumbled tiredly.

"Wow you really aren't a morning person" the girl replied amused, the hybrid smiled at her sarcastically and returned to her food.

After she had her breakfast, she did as Gallant told her and had a relaxing bath. She spent an hour in there before Gallant barged in, forcing her to get out. With a few curse words and threats here and there, Morticia was out and dry, ready to get dressed.

"Okay so I was thinking for your hair we could do a half up half down look.....hmm You know what just leave it to me" the hairdresser spoke and started to work his magic.

Morticia thought she would use this time to talk to Michael.


Yes my darling Ticia? Is everything okay?

I'm fine, I just wanted to talk to you. Seen as I'm not allowed to see you

I know my love, I miss you and the baby. But I can't wait to see you walk down that isle

I miss you too and so does the baby, he won't stop kicking. I can't wait-

She was suddenly cut off by Gallant.

"Hey, hey I know that look. You're speaking to him through your mind aren't you?" He sassed, looking at the woman through the mirror.

"What no im not-okay yes I am but-" she was cut off again.

"No buts missy, you'll see him at the wedding. Now say goodbye to Michael" he ordered pointing a come at her. Morticia huffed in response.

Sorry love I've been forbidden to speak to you. Who would have thought Gallant would be so damn bossy, I mean does he know who he's speaking too

Of course he does darling, but he knows you won't hurt him if he does boss you around

Can't i just hurt him a little bit?

No love, you cannot

Ugh what happened to my big bad Anti-Christ

He's right here darling, don't worry I'll show you just how bad i am tonight

Oh sounds exciting baby, I can't wait. I'll see you soon my love. I love you Mikey

I love you too Ticia

With that Morticia focused back on Gallant, who was already nearly finished with her hair. Once he was done, it was Hilary's time to do the make-up.

"So are you nervous to get married today?" She asked the woman.

"No actually, Michael and I have been waiting for this day for too long. You know, I always pictured getting married to him, even at a young age. When I was four I drew a picture of Michael and I getting married. I gave it to him and he loved it, I wonder if he still has it?" Both Gallant and Hilary's hearts melted at the thought of a small Morticia doing a drawing of her getting married to Michael.

"That is so precious, you know I never asked how long you two have known each other" Gallant asked curiously, Morticia smiled at the memory.

"Well actually we were born on the same day, but we didn't meet until we were three. We instantly connected, of course at such a young age we didn't understand that we were in fact made for each other. We would have play dates pretty much everyday, we had this thing where Michael would always pick me flowers and I would draw him pictures, It was our special thing. My mother and his grandmother always said that we were the cutest little couple" she felt her smile widen, before she continued.

"Until one night we both aged a decade, we weren't allowed to see each other after that. I missed him horribly, but thankfully we were allowed to see each other. We didn't leave each other's side after that, we have been together through everything.  My love for him grew stronger through out the years, so strong that It hurts. I've never been able to picture myself with anyone else, he's my one true love" she sighed happily, what she didn't notice was that Michael had been secretly listening.

The couple along with Gallant and Hilary had tears in their eyes.

"Wow that was beautiful" they whispered, Morticia was still in a daze while Hilary finished her make up.

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