Chapter 10 - DNA

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Kira was walking the WBBA corridors fast. She was going to talk to the WBBA agents about important tactics and how to react when something goes wrong during a mission. It had been a while since Kira had done such a thing, so she was a little anxious that morning. On top of that, Zyro and Kira Hayama's battle would be taking place during her lecture.

She was already in the room where she would speak to the new agents when Tsubasa called her. She thought he was calling to wish her luck, but he wasn't. He was calling because he had found something regarding that call hey had received from Kira Hayama where he told them where and when the Synchrome battle would be.

'We discovered the IP of his call was the same that sent that photo of yours to everyone on MS industries,' the silver-haired man spoke.

'Those fuckers,' Kira murmured before someone opened the door. It was the agents arriving. 'And the agents are arriving...'

'Good luck, Kira!'

'Thank you,' she said and then ended the call to give the agents sitting on the room's chairs attention.

She waited for everyone to be sat comfortably to begin.

'Good morning, everyone,' Kira greeted the people in front of her and they did the same. 'I am Kira Rose and I'm going to talk to you about missions, how to deal with pressure and how to react when everything goes wrong.'

Kira addressed all the topics as she had planned. Then, the lady walked to her laptop to change the slides that would help her explain an important example of what she had explained before.

'So, now it's time to share and talk to you about the famous Dark Nebula's Mission with the code name DNA. I took part in that mission, as you may already know since it was a catastrophe, and I was the main reason WBBA still had agents after that,' the red-haired former agent explained. 'So, first things first, what was the initial plan?'

An agent raised his hand and Kira let him answer the question.

'Capture L-Drago and arrest Doji,' he said.

'Exactly. Now, let's analyse the mission and identify what was a mistake and what wasn't.'

Kira talked about the mission to the agents and they analysed it with her. After that, they asked the lady some questions.

When the conference was over, her phone rang. It was Madoka. The battle between Zyro and Kira was already over, and the young blader had lost. But that wasn't all the bad news. Apparently, Kira Hayama and his friends were part of an organization that knew about WBBA's upcoming tournament. Tsubasa wanted a meeting with the red-haired lady and the young bladers as soon as possible.

'We are waiting for you in Tsubasa's office,' Madoka said and Kira hung up and headed there.

Zyro and his gang along with Benkei and Madoka were all at Tsubasa's office waiting for her to arrive. When she did, the blue-eyed blader began telling them about the battle with Kira. Tsubasa became worried.

'DNA?' the director began. 'The WBBA is being challenged now? Is that really what he said to you?'

'It was,' Madoka confirmed just as worried as the silver-haired male. 'It looks like there is some sort of big organization behind this thing after all. If that wasn't the case, there would be no way he could get such a large stadium just for his battle with Zyro. It would be impossible!'

'So, Kira, you were right,' he said.

The Legendary Blader hadn't said a word since she arrived. She seemed aloof and distant.

'Kira?' Tsubasa called noticing her lack of attention.

'DNA...' she said. 'That was the name of the mission to attack the Dark Nebula. The only one besides the WBBA who knew that was Doji.'

'Kira, we've already discussed that possibility,' Madoka started, 'and there is no way he is alive. It can't be him.'

'The body was never found. He might be alive,' the red-haired lady insisted.

No one believed she was right. Doji was dead and they all knew Kira had some traumas because of that man. She was just letting her fear speak louder than her reason.

'Kira... you need to forget about him. He is in the past,' Madoka's kind eyes looked at her as she put her hand on the blader's back.

'No, I don't need to forget!' the lady was starting to feel angry. 'But you need to remember how he was! This is exactly what he would do! He's M.O. is all over Hayama's words and all over this battle stuff!'

'Kira, your personal problems are blinding you,' Tsubasa noticed as he knew she had been troubled by everything that had happened lately: the problems with Kyoya, her leaked photos, Ryuga's successor...

'You're the ones who are blind! And now you think I'm crazy!' she raised her voice. 'Open your fucking eyes and see that if there is anyone in this world capable of surviving death is Doji! I'm not crazy! And I am not blind! You are!'

With those words full of rage, Kira left the office. She was angry that everyone thought she was crazy. Fortunately, Chris believed her, and they even discussed that while having lunch at Bull Burger. When they finished the meal. Benkei arrived at his restaurant with Zyro and his friends.

Ren was the first to noticed Kira and Chris and walked to them.

'Hey,' she said a little shy. 'You know, Kira, I believe in what you said about the DNA... And I think the others do too. After you left, some guys called Garcias invaded the WBBA's network and spoke about something called the Hades Inc...'

'You serious?' Kira asked alarmed.

'Yeah,' Zyro joined the conversation and sat next to Ren at the table. 'But the good news is there will be a national tournament!!!!'

'I see you are pumped up, kid,' Chris commented before Shinobu sat with them as well.

'I am... but I've already lost to Kira once,' he said. 'What if I lose again?'

'That is a possibility indeed,' the lady said. 'But if you work hard, that possibility becomes more like an impossibility...'

Despite Kira's nice words, Zyro was still a little down. She was going to say something else, but Madoka appeared and interrupted her. She joined them at the table and told Kira what had happened.

'I am sorry we didn't listen to you,' she apologized. 'However, we still don't know if it's just the Garcias or not...'

Kira remained silent for a moment. She was thinking about what Madoka had just told her. Those were alarming news, and they came with awful timing. Ace and Ryuga's memorial ceremony would be the next day... were they planning on cancelling it?

'What about the memorial ceremony?' Kira asked.

'It's still up,' the brunette replied. 'Right now it is important to remember the great bladers who faced dangerous people like these.'

'Memorial ceremony?' Zyro asked with his eyes full of curiosity and confusion.

'Yes,' Kira confirmed. 'Every year the WBBA organizes one to honour Ace and Ryuga because they gave their lives to Beyblade's future.'

'Wow... that sounds so cool,' Ren commented. 'I mean... it's not cool that they are gone... but it's nice that there is a ceremony.'

Kira and Madoka exchanged glances.

'Why don't you three come?' the British lady suggested.

'We? To the ceremony?' Shinobu was shocked.

'Yes!' Madoka smiled. 'It will be tomorrow night!'

The bladers' eyes lit up. They felt so honoured and happy. They couldn't refuse such an invitation.

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