Chapter 4 - Women Rule

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Underlined – Kaito singing

Italics – Kira singing

Bold – both singing


Kira was in the studio with Black Sakura and she couldn't be more excited. Finally, she would be able to record a song. The lady hadn't done anything related to music in a few years, so she was more than pumped up.

'Everything ready?' Ken asked Kaito and Kira who were in the live room ready to record.

The two singers nodded and then began recording.


I wake up every morning with my head up in a daze

I'm not sure if I should say this, fuck, I'll say it anyway

Everybody tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase

I don't know if it's a phase, I just wanna feel okay, yeah

I battle with depression, but the question still remains

Is this post-traumatic stressin' or am I suppressing rage?

And my doctor tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase

Yeah, it's not a fucking phase, I just wanna feel okay, okay

Yeah, I struggle with this bullshit everyday

And it's probably 'cause my demons simultaneously rage

It obliterates me, disintegrates me, annihilates me

'Cause I'm about to break down, searching for a way out

I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer

I'm a popular, popular monster

I break down, falling into love now with falling apart

I'm a popular, popular monster'

Their voices combined perfectly creating the perfect melodies and also giving dynamic to the song.

'Perfect!!!' Ken exclaimed once they finished recording.

'We rocked it!' Kira said as she and Kaito left the live room.

'You rocked it!' Kaito complimented his friend. 'Hands down, you rule this shit!'

'Women rule!' the female smiled.

'By the way, someone called you,' the Black Sakura's guitarist informed the lady.

'Hope everything's fine at Rise,' she replied and checked her phone.

It was Kyoya who had called, and he had left a text message. It said that he wouldn't be able to go with her to the new cake chop because he had another emergency meeting with his associate. The red-haired lady sighed with the frustration making Ken and Kaito notice her sadness.

'Is everything alright?' Kaito asked concerned.

Kira and he were good friends, so he cared about her.

'No. Kyoya just cancelled one of our plans again,' she said clearly upset. It was becoming too usual that behaviour of his and she didn't like it at all.

'Maybe something happened,' Ken suggested trying to make Kira feel a little better.

'His associate happened!' Kira spoke with an angry voice. 'It's always the same.'

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