Chapter 7 - Golden Birthday

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'Good morning, my queen,' Kira heard her lover's voice as she woke up.

Kyoya had a big smile on his face and a red rose on his right hand, but the lady was so sleepy that she didn't notice the beautiful flower.

'Why are you waking me up so early?' she asked.

'It's ten already,' he chuckled.

'What!? Ten!? Oh god, I should be at Rise!' Kira exclaimed sitting on the bed immediately and getting ready to get up.

'Relax, Chris has everything under control and today's your birthday, you deserve to rest,' the male said as he gave her the beautiful rose.

Kira smiled before taking the flower in her hand and hugging Kyoya. Then, she got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. While she did that, the green-haired male cooked breakfast for her and prepared her birthday present, so, when she arrived at the kitchen, it was already on the table.

It was a red box with a big golden bow. Kira opened it carefully and then saw the beautiful gift. It was a beautiful black handbag with enough space for her to put her laptop inside along with some documents from work. That was exactly what she needed.

'Thank you so much, babe,' she hugged her lover.

Soon, Kira was at Rise. The red-haired female though she would work a lot during the rest of the morning, but she ended up just talking to her friends.

'Happy birthday, miss Kira!' Yuki spoke with a big smile when Kira answered his video call.

'Thank you, Yuki!' she smiled back looking at the big screen on her office where the blader's image was being projected.

'I hope you have a great day!'

'Thank you! And how are you? How's college?' Kira asked.

'It's going great! Kenta, Yu and I are on the same campus, so it's pretty cool!'

The lady smiled and the two shared a few more words before the call ended and right in time because, seconds after, Kira was receiving another call. That time it was from Ryan. The American man was working as a receptionist in the most luxurious hotel of New York and his shift had just ended. He wished Kira a happy birthday and the two talked for a while.

After that talk with Ryan, Richard, Kira's former personal assistant, called as well.

'Happy birthday, Kira!!!' he and his wife, Maya, spoke with big smiles.

'Thank you! And happy birthday to your little George that isn't so little anymore!' Kira spoke. 'Tell him Aunt Kira sends many hugs!'

George, Richard's son, was turning five. Maya's pregnancy had been a high-risk one but, thanks to Kira's support, she was able to get all the help she needed and that led them to start calling her George's aunt.

'By the way, his little gift will arrive soon at your home so stay alert!' she laughed lightly.

Masamune along with King, Toby and Zeo called Kira too and Nile and Demure did the same.

Soon her day of work was over, and she had done almost nothing. With all the calls and birthday wishes, Kira ended up not being able to work. However, she wasn't worried about that. The only thing that was her at that moment was her birthday party. The lady had to go home to change and then go to the bar once Kyoya arrived as well.

She was a little stressed and afraid she would arrive late or something but, fortunately, everything went fine, and the couple arrived at the bar in time. Not long after their arrival, the guests began to arrive as well. Madoka and Tsubasa along with Benkei and Hikaru were the first ones to appear.

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