Chapter 12 - Phoenix vs Phoenix

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'Lots of work?' Kyoya asked his lover when she entered the kitchen.

Kira had been working in their home office since she had arrived from work.

'Yes...' the lady replied clearly exhausted as she sat at the kitchen's island and watch her partner cooking dinner. 'The qualifying round will be tomorrow, and Rise is a sponsor once again so we've gotta work.'

'What about those opening shows?' the male asked interested. 'You're going to perform right?'

'Only on the first day. Black Sakura wanted me to join them on the second day, but I can't,' she confessed Cleary sad. 'I've got too much work. What are you cooking?'

'Chestnut meatballs,' he said. 'With some integral pasta.'

Kira got up and walked to her lover who was near the oven.

'You're the best,' she said hugging him and kissing his cheek.

She loved vegetarian food and she knew Kyoya was cooking a vegetarian dish because she liked it, so she was happy.

'By the way,' Kira began as she took two plates from the dishwasher to set the table, 'I might arrive late again tomorrow. Tsubasa wants me to watch the qualifying round with him and the others and you already know what happens next...'

'He will want a meeting with you to discuss how strong the bladers who advanced are,' Kyoya said.

'Exactly,' the girl replied showing how displeased she was.

Despite her being extremely tired of all the meetings, Kira was happy that a beyblade tournament was finally happening and she couldn't wait to see that qualifying round. She was so pumped; she was the first one to arrive at the WBBA on the next morning.

Fortunately, she didn't have to wait much and soon Benkei, Tsubasa and Madoka arrived as well and they all went to the director's office to see the matches. As they expected, the DNA bladers Kira and Yoshio were there as well.

The brunette mechanic was worried about that, unlike Kira who knew Zyro and his friends were capable of entering the tournament even with Yoshio and Kira Hayama and some other new DNA bladers in the game. Too bad, not all of them made it.

Ren was unlucky and faced Genjūro Kamegaki, another DNA blader. He was strong and, in the end, the blonde girl lost. With the time she wasted on that battle, she wasn't able to make it up for the loss and ended up not entering the top 8.

'Fuck these rules!' Kira said once the top 8 were revealed. 'Ren would've made it if it wasn't for that guy! And who the fuck is Captain Arrow!?'

'Calm down, Kira,' Madoka spoke looking at her friend. 'We have bigger problems now. The DNA only sent those bladers to damage other's beys... this is bad.'

'It is. But we have some strong bladers on our side as well,' the red-haired Legendary Blader pointed out.

'You're talking about Sakyo?' Tsubasa asked.

'Yes. He is more than capable of defeating Kira and the others,' she explained.

'Well, what about we all go to Bull Burger,' Tsubasa suggested noticing the blader was getting tense and tired. 'The guys must be there. Let's congratulate them.'

'No meeting?' Madoka asked confused since the silver-haired man always wanted to have a meeting when something big happened.

'No. I just want to eat something,' he confessed.

The four friends left and soon arrived at Benkei's restaurant where Zyro and his gang were. They were all looking pretty happy, except Ren.

'We're in the big tournament!!!' Zyro exclaimed when he saw Kira entering the restaurant.

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