Chapter 3 - Fragile Love

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Kira and Madoka were walking the WBBA headquarters' halls calmly. They had a meeting with Tsubasa, Zyro, Shinobu and Maru in a few moments.

'How are things with Kyoya? Getting better?' the brunette lady asked concerned.

'Meh,' Kira replied. 'They are better, but we still haven't fully recovered from that event the other night.'

'Do you want to talk about it?'

'There's not much to talk about, honestly,' the red-haired woman confessed. 'I talked about marriage and he simply said we didn't need that.'

'Maybe he is just not ready yet,' Madoka said and then Kira's phone began ringing.

It was Chris who was calling her. They spent some time talking and when the call ended, the meeting with the bladers had already begun. When she arrived at Tsubasa's office, the two bladers were near him and it looked like the director was explaining something.

She knocked at the door and everyone turned their heads to her.

'K-Kira,' Zyro murmured as she saw the lady in a black bodycon dress and a grey jacket.

'Sorry I'm late, but Chris called, and it was a serious issue,' she apologized. 'But I'm here now!'

'Kira Rose?' Shinobu spoke not believing in his eyes.

'In the flesh!' the lady smile.

Suddenly, the light-haired male rushed in her direction.

'I am so honoured to meet you, Kira,' he said in a very formal tone. 'I've been looking up to you as a blader and also as a person from the moment I discovered Beyblade.'

'That is so sweet!' she said with a calm voice. 'Now I understand why you copied Phoenix's special move Eternal Dancing Flames.'

The blader's green eyes widen. Was she mad at him? He just learned from her move and created his own technique... was that a wrong thing to do?

'I-I'm so sorry! It was never my intention to copy you or steal your moves!' he apologized very nervously.

'I am just messing with you, Shinobu,' Kira said.

'You know my name?'

'Of course, I do! And I loved that barrage attack of yours! It was fierce!'

Shinobu blushed when he heard Kira's compliment. He felt really proud that someone so strong had recognized his hard work. He wanted to talk with the lady for some more time, but Tsubasa reminded them they had some serious matters to talk about and the meeting continued.

'With that in mind, we developed the Synchrome System,' Madoka explained after Tsubasa talked about the bond between two bladers. 'But it is impressive that the Unabara brothers discovered that ability on their own!'

'They didn't even wait for Rise to launch its firsts models,' Kira commented.

'Rise will have Synchrome Beys?' Zyro asked.

'Maybe,' the CEO of the famous company smiled. 'But that isn't important right now. What's important is that you know you can use that system as well. You have developed a bond through beyblade by being rivals and also friends and that bond will allow you to become stronger together.'

'So, our beys can do it too?' the dark-haired blader questioned.

'Positive! Every Beyblade with a Warrior Wheel can be part of a Synchrome bey,' Kira explained.

'That means Ruby Phoenix can do it as well! We could join our beys too!' Zyro exclaimed.

'One may only use Synchrome with Beys they can control,' the female said letting him know that he wouldn't be able to control Phoenix.

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