Chapter 5 - Demonstration Battles

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'So, how was vacation?' Kira asked Madoka as they walked to Tsubasa's office.

'It was pretty relaxing! You should've come with us!' the brunette replied with a smile.

'Tsubasa invited me, but Rise opened a new shop in Tokyo on Saturday, and I had to stick around-'

'And see if everything was going according to your plan,' Madoka finished the CEO's sentence.

'Exactly,' the red-haired lady laughed lightly. The mechanic knew her better than she knew herself sometimes.

Then, Madoka told Kira about the blader they had encountered during their vacation. His name was Kikuren Gen and his beyblade was Pirate Kraken. The red-haired lady was surprised that they had found someone with that model since it didn't sell that well when Rise launched it. The brunette also told her that blader had the habit to say everything he thought which made it easy to defeat him and that he normally just waited for the opponent to give up and didn't attack them.

'He reminds me of Tetsuya,' Kira confessed.

'Totally. Talking about him, I never heard of him after the World Championships,' Madoka said.

'Me neither!'

'By the way, I read that interview on Forbes! Really good! And your photos were amazing!'

'You are too kind, Madoka,' Kira smiled.

After those words, the mechanic heard someone calling her. It was Maru. She and Kira turned around to see the young mechanic with Shinobu, Zyro and other three bladers that Kira didn't know.

Zyro's cheeks became a dark shade of red when he met Kira's gaze and saw her warm smile. The images of the beautiful lady in her underwear didn't leave his mind.

'Kira Rose!?' the blonde girl next to him exclaimed. 'Oh my god! You are Kira Rose!'

'She's Ren,' Madoka whispered to Kira as Ren ran in their direction. 'The blader that uses Thief Phoenix.'

'You're even prettier in person! I can't believe it!' the young female spoke. 'You're my biggest inspiration! I've been watching every battle of yours since Battle Bladers! And my Beyblade is a Phoenix as well!!! You are so amazing! I can't believe I am actually meeting you! Can I hug you?'

Kira's red lips turned into a big smile as she hugged the girl.

'Can we take a picture together, please?' Ren asked and Kira nodded.

While the young blader prepared her phone, the red-haired female noticed her phone wallpaper was a photo of her.

'When Ren said she was Kira's biggest fan, she wasn't kidding,' Shinobu commented as he saw the two ladies taking a photo together. He could tell that Ren was beyond happy. Her smile didn't lie.

Then, Ren showed Kira her Beyblade.

'Does Thief Phoenix really have the exact same warrior wheel as Ruby Phoenix?' the blonde girl asked as they walked to Tsubasa's office where he and Benkei would be waiting for them.

'Well, the material is not exactly the same because Ruby Phoenix was forged from Eternal Phoenix, but the design is identical!' Kira explained with a smile.

Ren kept on asking questions until they arrived at Tsubasa's office not giving Kira time to greet the other bladers properly.

'Kira, do you want to tell them the news?' the WBBA director asked once they were all at his office and ready to begin the informal meeting.

The red-haired female smiled and then spoke, 'so, we were thinking about you doing some demonstration battles in the Bey Parks nearby.'

'Demonstration battles in the cyclone Beystadium!?' the five bladers asked in chorus.

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