Chapter 6 - A New Dragon

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'So, I've heard you are back at saving the world from bad guys,' Kyoya commented with Kira while the couple prepared their dinner in the kitchen.

The female laughed lightly as she looked at her lover on the other side of the counter near the oven.

'It was nothing.'

'Of course, it was!' the green-haired man said walking to his lover. 'And you looked extra hot kicking that guy's ass today!'

'What can I say... I'm used to dealing with that kind of guys,' she teased Kyoya.

'Yeah, whatever,' he replied kissing her cheek before walking to the living room to set the table.

'By the way, have you found the keys to that bedroom?' Kira asked as she remembered they had lost the key to one of the guest rooms of the house. 'It's been almost a month.'

'Huh... I haven't found it yet! But I'm sure it's here somewhere!' he said while Kira walked to the table with the food. Then, he changed the conversation's subject, 'your birthday is coming! And it will be a golden birthday.'

'I have everything planned already! Unfortunately, Brandon and the guys won't be able to come. They all have meetings and important things to do on that day,' Kira explained a little sad.

Then, the couple began eating the food they had cooked. It was pretty tasty considering it was their first time cooking Indian food. Suddenly, Kira's phone began ringing which scared Ash who was sleeping. The lady got up and walked to her phone that was I the sofa.

'Hi, Madoka,' she picked up. 'Is everything alright?'

Kyoya looked at her lover a little confused. Why was Madoka calling her so late? That was when he realized Kira's expression was changing from relaxed to worried.

'Are you sure it rotates to the left?' the red-haired female asked. 'That's impossible. The last L-Drago there was turned into dust. It can't be. It's impossible, Madoka. I saw him going with my own eyes. I felt him turning into dust in my arms!'

Kira's light eyes showed nothing but shock and confusion as she heard Madoka's words. At the end of the talk, they agreed on meeting each other the day after at the WBBA where they would talk with Tsubasa and Zyro and his friends.

'What's wrong, babe?' Kyoya asked when she returned to the table.

'There's a bey that rotates to the left. And its name is Ronin Dragoon.'

The male was surprised to hear that. How could that be?

'I'm going to meet with Madoka and Tsubasa tomorrow. We need to discuss this,' she told him.

'Are you alright?' a worried Kyoya asked.

'Yes, of course,' she said.

She was lying. She was so nervous she couldn't even sleep. Kira had left her room in the middle of the night to have a glass of water. Kyoya noticed her lover wasn't next to him in the bed when he woke up in the middle of the night. He already knew what was going on, so he went to the kitchen to see if she was there.

He found her petting Ash on the sofa. Kira was clearly stressed with that whole situation.

'Babe?' he called as he walked to the sofa to sit next to her. 'Do you wanna talk about it?'

'There's nothing to talk about,' Kira replied looking at Kyoya. 'There's a blader that uses a left rotation bey that is related to a dragon. And this changes everything. Madoka said the guy hinted that his bey was given to him by a Legendary Blader, and the only blader who ever processed a dragon-related beyblade was Ryuga and he is dead. He died in front of me seven years ago! This can't be! He can't be alive, can he?'

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